And it’s in the books. A whirlwind trip to Wisconsin to visit family, and now instead of posting to you from a laptop in a hotel room, I’m writing from my little parlor at home. It’s good to be back, and Rousseau agrees. He’s happy now.
It was a fabulous trip for sure, and a long one. The pink line is the trip out, and the white represents the drive back:
I have a ton of pictures to be made into prints and put into an album. That’s on my list of 237 things to do in the next 3 weeks before school starts. So off I go…first to the grocery, though.
Thanks to all of you who followed the Odyssey and shared in it with your comments. It was fun! So fun, in fact, that we’ve decided to make an annual event of it. The general plan for summer, 2011:
Fun, ja?
Have a good Monkday, if that’s possible. Ugh. Car lag.