OK, 2012 is almost over. It was quite a year, yes? Boy, did it go by fast. Lots happened, too, some of which I’ll bet you’d forgotten (as I did):
- The largest internet protest ever had a pretty big effect.
- Queen Elizabeth II became only the second monarch in British history to rule for 60 years (bested only by Queen Victoria, who sat on the throne for 64).
- For the first time since 1927, a silent film won the Academy Award for Best Picture.
- Encyclopedia Brittanica ceased printing its encyclopedia collections.
- For the first time since 1977, no Pulitzer Prize was awarded for fiction. (I could make a huge snarky joke here, but I won’t. )
- German Expressionist Edvard Munch’s famous painting, The Scream, sold at auction for $119,922,500.
- Vladimir Putin won his third six-year term as president of Russia.
- American Idol completed its 11th season. Ugh.
- An Australian coroner finally concluded after 32 years that a dingo took Lindy Chamberlain’s baby.
- The Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm Ltd. and its rights for the Star Wars and Indiana Jones film franchises for a mere $4.05 billion.
- BP settled the Deep Horizon oil spill disaster for $4.5 billion.
- Cost of Hurricane Sandy to the state of New York: $32 billion.
Not all the news was bad. I discovered only yesterday that Netflix is streaming West Wing now. I’ve been ordering one DVD at a time for months. This could put a serious crimp in my free time, what little there is of it.
So what was newsworthy for you in 2012? Anything awesome happen? As always, I covet your articulate and compendious thoughts.
PS — Happy 29th birthday to my baby boy Lars.
Happy Birthday to Lars!!! As i mentioned over on FB, there must become sort of rip in the fabric of the time/space continuum… because there’s no way he could be that old today….
(erp…that was “…there must be some sort of rip…” – blast you, iPad auto-correct)!!!
I know, Boom Boom — seems like yesterday you were throwing him around and playing trucks with him!
My first grandbaby. While I wish the circumstances were different, I’m in love! I’m in love! And I don’t care who knows it! (A nod to your favorite movie, Fink!)
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be so far away from your grandson, Lori. But he is a little doll! And I say that in all sincerity, in spite of how much your movie reference made me feel a bit snarkish.