Monthly Archives: November 2013

Oh my, haha

The greatest Fiddler photo in the history of high school theater

How fun is that, I ask you. Just the right facial expressions — and the ghost of Fruma-Sarah is rocking the demonic, red eyes. Hahahaha

Awesome picture, taken by our fiend and occasional RtB commenter, Wendell.

Today marks the final performance of our show. I could almost – almost – be persuaded to extend the run for another week. Um…almost. :-)

I struggle to find the words to accurately describe the pride that Stoney, Greg and I feel when these kids pull off good singing, professional backstage work, and truly remarkable dramatic performances. All this from a high school with only 250 students, grades 9-12, where most of the kids are involved in 20 other things besides theater. I’m telling you, fiends — if it can be done here, it can be done anywhere.

Again, I marvel at how these kids can do everything they do (sports, theater, after-school band, Academic Challenge, FFA, part-time jobs, church work) AND manage to keep up their grades and get all the piles of homework done that seem to pool into great huge oceans during tech week. Honestly — I don’t think I could have done it when I was their age.

But pull it off they did. Two excellent performances yesterday, with the finale today. Off I go…gotta pick up the delicious pastries for their breakfast. Another thing high school students can do like no other: eat.

Happy Sumday, luvs — after more coffee, it’s off to the theater one last time.