Category Archives: Summer 2010 – Route 66

Gorgeous day for a drive.

Indeed. The Detroit skyline (complete with the Goodyear blimp in the distance) is going to provide excellent cover for the drive west today.

More updates as they become available — we’re going to go downstairs (yes, at 9:25 a.m.) to have a leisurely breakfast before leaving the hotel. Then it’s 4.5 hours to Joliet, and off we go.

Happy weekend, everyone. Yay!

Aaaaand we’re off

I’ve created a new category for the Odyssey, so I can refer to it when I get all nostalgic in the months to come.

Endless planning, talking, phone calls, emails, saving and dreaming come to fruition today. I remember the day the plan was hatched. It’s been nonstop scheming ever since. We think it’s only fitting that since we dreamed this whole thing up on the way home from Greektown, we should begin the actual Odyssey with a trip to Greektown. Yay. (That, and they gave the Thriller a free night in the hotel, free food, and free money.) It also shaves off an hour on the drive to Joliet tomorrow, so thumbs up on all of it.

I’ve thought about how best to update folks. Not everyone is on Facebook, so I will post at RtB every day (mais oui!). But since I will be uploading lots of pictures and some videos, I’ll do most of that on Facebook and YouTube, to save space on the domain. Regardless, updates will be plentiful, in case you’re interested. :-)

The best part of getting ready these past few days has been the family visits. Yesterday, I spent some fantastic time with Mavis, and my baby boy Lars came over for dinner last night. We’ve seen Helen and Simone a couple of times (although too briefly), and I will spend two lovely hours with Justin and Jake, my angels, this morning before we leave. Only people I’ve missed seeing are Seamus and Hannah, but we’ll make up for that on our return.

Another sign of excitement: the Thriller was up and at ’em at 6:30 this morning, and for those of you who know him, that’s a rarity indeed. He is a night owl and a late sleeper.

So, what’s left? Camera, phones, chargers, computer, Nook, Flip video, GPS — check. Suitcases — check. Rousseau safely at BFF Kay and Bob’s house — check. Regular overnight house visits scheduled with Mavis and Simone — check. Lars scheduled to stop by and take the trash barrel out to the curb on Tuesday night — check.

Best family and fiends in the world — double check.

As my Dutch pal Suzanne would say: Tot ziens!

Bon voy-AH-gee,


Planning to motor west

So on the long drive home from Detroit, the Thriller and I hatched a dastardly scheme.

On 18 July, 2010, we will set out to navigate historic Route 66, in its entirety. That’s right: all the way from south of Chicago to Los Angeles. By our figures, it should take us a little over two weeks total, with a small stop in Vegas and the Grand Canyon on the way home (on which we will drive the interstates). We are stoked beyond belief.

We both remember the old mom-and-pop motels, drive-in theaters, drive-up diners, and Sinclair and Standard Oil gas stations of our growing-up years. And having both been born in Illinois and raised in the midwest, we have many of the same memories. So we decided to take this nostalgic trip for real, not just in our minds and conversation. It’s on.

For those who don’t know, the original US 66 highway — which has now in large part been absorbed by the interstate system — was a haven for travelers and families from the 1930s through the 70s (map is clicky). Time, neglect and progress have wreaked havoc on it over the past 30 years, but thanks to a bill supported by members of Congress, the restoration has begun in many places.

So we are excited to see the history and enjoy the stories from the locals (and according to my research last night, there are many old-timers who love to talk about 66…and believe it, the Flip Video will be busy recording their tales). I plan to cure my ookiness about Muffler Men as well. The hardest part will be deciding what to see and what to pass up.

Our first stops will be along the beginnings of the route, southwest of Chicago (Joliet, Odell, Pontiac). Then it’s on to Missouri, etc.

You’ll see that I’ve added two cities to the above map. We have to visit BoomR and Bluvox in Dallas, and family in Austin. Total excitement.

We have our first hotel scoped out, and the second as well. It will be a summer to remember. We’re saving our pennies judiciously from now on. I ask you, how fun will this trip be?