The flu persists, but I’m getting better, I think. (Thanks to my Finkville fiends who sent me good wishes!) Whereas I could only type two sentences yesterday, I’m not as violently ill as I was then. Now it’s more weakness than nausea. One more day on the home front should take care of that.
It galled me to no end to cancel rehearsal last night. As I told a friend: God does not want this show to open.
But today, I get back on the bike and ride, for good or ill. We’ll see how it shakes out by the time I’m done with rehearsal at 7:00 tonight. I’ll likely feel like 10 miles of bad road, but I have to get back in the race.
In the meantime, some good news. Kwame got out today. Remember Kwame Kilpatrick, former mayor of Detroit who got caught in an unfortunate text-messaging scandal? Best of luck to him — at least he admitted it was wrong.
Then there’s mentioning a violent, alcohol-soaked arrest of Ohio State lineman Alex Boone, and the fact that he will likely be drafted by the NFL — all in the same breath. Pro sports, investment banking, real estate…the convicts are everywhere, making way more money than you or I. Are we all in the wrong business?
All right. Time for more nasty Gator stuff…Mavis got the “low-calorie” type, but it’s still nasty. Ick.
Hey kiddo – hope you get to feeling better REAL soon (sounds like you are, as I’m a couple days behind & am just now catching up in RF-land).
Did you hear that Kwame is the newest resident of the Big D?? Just what WE need to keep us on the map, right? (it’s bad enough that **I’m** here LOL). He & the missus have a FAB MacMansion out in South Lake (very poshie suburb just N. of DFW airport & on the south side of Lake Grapevine).
Do you have any DD java to get you through this crunch? **smooch**
Hey there! So Kwame’s in Dallas, eh? I hope he gets that job he was after. Apparently he did, since he bought the big house.
And you know…I’m *still* not able to drink coffee! I’m just not up to it yet. I think about it every morning, then stare at the Bunn and say, “Meh…not today.”
Hopefully by Sunday morning I’ll be able to enjoy the beans — but not today – ugh!
Funny thing – she bought the house like 6-9 months ago & been living there until he got out. It’s been only within the last couple weeks that folks finally figured out WHO she was all this time!!
I had to re-read that sentence you wrote a couple times – I was scratching my head thinking: She’s staring at Thriller’s buns & saying “Men…not today.”…??? LOL
Silly man-beast. “Buns” indeed!

The absolute bossest appliance we bought for the house about 7-8 years ago was one of these:

I keep waiting for it to keel over…but it just keeps going and going and going…