OK click here and stare at it. Report back.
Ever wonder what happened to Hobbiton after LotR finished filming in New Zealand? Nice.
True RNF: Ever wonder why the arms of people condemned to die via lethal injection are still swabbed with alcohol before the needle goes in? What, to prevent infection? Hmmm.
Do NOT start playing with this. Remember, I warned you.
Latest entry on the “Stuff I Want” list.
Finally, this is a grammatically correct sentence:
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
And there you go. I’m off to the showers, since I actually have school today.
All interesting stuff. I’m glad to hear hobbiton is being used by sheep. That water simulator is ridiculous.
And where does my younger daughter live?
I’ll send it to her. She’ll love it.
PS: Swabbing the skin with alcohol is only partially to prevent infection. It also cleans the area of dead skin cells, dirt, oil, etc, making the veins easier to see, and the IV catheter easier to secure once it is in place.
Just sayin’….
Cool! Thanks, Nurse Lynn! I never knowed this.
I refuse to click on any of your links! LOL
OK maybe later…
Maybe after you get back from freezing your buns off on your bike!
Got my interest with the buffalo business. Now I gotta look it up!
I ran across it by accident (why would you go looking for something like that? HA) and couldn’t believe it. Funny, eh??