15 weeks

All right, fiends. I am going out on a huge limb here.

Fifteen weeks remain until the Thriller and I leave on our Route 66 Odyssey. I am going on record this morning to inform one and all (something I never, ever do on this subject) that we began a healthier eating regimen yesterday.  During the next 15 weeks and beyond, we have committed ourselves to not putting so much garbage down the hatch. We’re going to walk Rousseau every evening, weather permitting. Now that my Dinner Theatre and tour are over, I am cooking dinner every weeknight because I can be a real teacher and go home before dark.

That’s about as far as the new promises go, however. Don’t want to overload myself. One step at a time, da?

So give me some of your best healthy eating tips. What works for you? Not eating after 7 p.m. works for me. I had to wrap my brain around the fact that it’s OK to go to bed with the munchies. No big deal: you won’t die and your bod will thank you in the morning.

And here we go. I’ve gone public, so it’s on.

Happy Tunesday!

12 thoughts on “15 weeks

  1. PKPudlin

    Portions, portions, portions. Also tracking. Try writing down everything you eat for a week or so – quite revealing!!

    Remember – it takes 30 days to ingrain a habit. So go easy on yourself and be patient with yourself (and each other!!)

    Congrats on your smart decision! I’m sure you’ll keep us posted!


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ah, patience. I know you’ve done it, PK. Are you at goal yet? I will try to be patient. I’m using Weight Commander, and they ask you to weigh every day. Of course, the Thriller loses FIVE pounds the first day! YEESH

  2. Stein

    I keep myself hydrated thoroughly. It helps tone down the hunger cravings. I am a big more of a camel than others, though. I throw down 3 quarts a day usually. I also make sure to have some sort of non-sugary afternoon snack. If I don’t I eat way too much for dinner. If it’s sugary I am hungry about 20 minutes later. I also run 2 miles every day, along with a little lifting and cycling, sometimes swimming. (I know, I know….)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Running, cycling, swimming, tennis, lifting, running, lifting, running, running, BLAAAAAAAAAH!

  3. RD

    I’m no guru on this, but I think it all boils down to expending more calories than we take in every day. I think a comibination of smaller portions of healthier food combined with exercise to increase the metaboism are the essntails. That’s all this “dr” has to offer :-) Good luck. Just so I’ll still know you when I see you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You’re right, RD. Calories in vs. calories out. Wise words as always — and I don’t think you’ll have any trouble recognizing me when you see me… I’ll make sure you know me by sound! HA

  4. BoomR

    I’m not even going to mention my 2 contributions to your new regiment because I know you HATE them both! LOL Don’t forget you have a YUMMIE Chamberlain’s steak awaiting you both!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      What? Veggies and exercise? LOL How close am I? And FYI, nothing stands in the way of me and my Chamberlain’s steak! Can’t wait to see you!

  5. Bando

    Does this mean no more Panera? If so, I’m going to have trouble offering my full support. My best weight loss tactic is pregnancy…not sure you want to go that route.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Absolutely not, Bando! I like those reduced fat pumpkin muffin top thingies…and speaking of Panera, we have to put a date on the calendar. As far as pregnancy, HA…I think you’re right — I’ll stick with the eating plan. :P


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