Monthly Archives: July 2009

T minus 48 hours

Yesterday, the Thriller said, “You are going to enjoy this.” He was right. I am looking forward to it. Twelve hours in the car alone, tunes blasting, singing at the top of my little lungs…it will be therapy for me, and the solitude always does a body good.

In case you weren’t aware, I’m speaking at a convention at a university outside Lincoln. And of course, I am driving. Because, well, you know.

I’ll also be passing right through your old stomping grounds, BoomR! I think I-80 goes through Des Moines, yes?

My grandfather was born and raised in North Platte. I’ve been through Nebraska once in my life, but don’t really remember anything about it. Anyone care to comment on it? I know it’s a lot of flat land; having spent some years in northern Illinois, I’m OK with that. In fact, I’d prefer to drive flat than mountainous any day anyhow.

Regardless, it will be fun. And the room they provided me is air conditioned. How about that. (That is not the norm, from what I’ve seen of many midwestern college dorms.)

Much to do in the meantime, though. Jakey today, dinner & movie with the Thriller tonight, breakfast with my good fiend Bando tomorrow, dinner & movie with Kay tomorrow night, then road trip on Saturday morning. Somewhere in there, I have to actually pack a suitcase or two.

Yesterday, I went to PayLess with Mavis and bought 5 pairs of shoes for $45. OK, so two pairs were from the little girls’ aisle, but still…

Have a snappy day there, luvs.

Fink out.

New attitude


After my epiphany yesterday, things look different today. Better. I listened to “Ooh, Child” by the Stair Steps this morning. Fellow crusties will remember that song. It was a good way to start the morning. Things are gonna get easier…

So what’s up for everyone this day? I need to get me a book on Joomla. (Actually, it’s not a *whole* lot different than WordPress.) I plan to do some major transformation on my district site, for which I am the humble webslave. Time to change some stuff.

Off to the showers and the school house. Have a goody, my wonderful fiends. And you know who you are.




*dINg*e·piph·a·ny: A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.


Yep. That’s what I just experienced. The last four days have not been good. Lots of crazy emotional stuff going on. But this morning, I had an epiphany.

That makes this day, and the coming trip to Nebraska next week, easier to deal with.

Did you ever have an epiphany? It’s a hard word to type. Try it.


Beautiful balloons

Wouldn’t you like to ride…

This weekend was the Ashland Balloonfest.

The traditional Friday night Balloon Glow is a sight to behold. Balloonists from all over the country set up their pretties in Freer Field, directly behind the Ashland County Children’s Home, and on cue, they fire ’em all up. I didn’t go this time, but I’ve been in past years; it’s a definite “ooh, ahh” moment.

Yesterday morning, after I wrote my Diprivan post, I relaxed and read the news over coffee. At around 8:00, I heard loud hissing sounds outside. At first I was confused; what was that noise anyhow? It was only after Rousseau began a massive wig-out that I realized what was up: the 4th of July Balloon Flight was happening right above my house, and the sounds I heard were the pilots releasing the powerful flame jets to control the altitude of their inflatable ships.

I grabbed the camera, and while alternately snapping photos and trying to shut up a totally ballistic dog on the front porch, I saw these beautiful images:

Gorgeous 65-degree morning, clear sky…stunning scenery on my street. Nice. Had a great time at the party last night, too. Bonus: saw Lars play in a band before the fireworks at the local football stadium. My kids are beast.

Oh, and Rousseau needed a nap after all the excitement. Drama queen, sheesh.

Have yourselves a nice Sunday, fiends.

Fink out.

Balloon glow photo: Tom Puskar, Ashland Times-Gazette

What a knockout

I’m talking about Diprivan (propofol). It’s what they use to put you out when you have surgery. Ask me how I know this.

Since 1980, I’ve had twelve surgeries. That’s a dozen, cousin. I’ve survived Diprivan all twelve times. (Obviously.) I know everyone reacts differently, but here’s how it went for me:

Anesthesiologist: We’re going to start some medication through your IV now, Mrs. Fink. Just begin counting backwards from 100, OK?

Fink: Ninety-nine.

Next thing I know, I’m waking up in recovery. That’s how fast it puts me out. And for the next several weeks, all I can think about is getting home and going to bed. It stays in my system like it was its job. Ack phooey. Hate the stuff. I don’t know how anyone would voluntarily take it to help them sleep, especially since it’s not supposed to be used outside a controlled surgical environment.

Yet, that’s what they found in Michael Jackson’s house yesterday. I’m sure you’ve seen the interview with the nurse who told MJ that if he took that drug, he “might not wake up the next morning.” No surprise that she feels sick in her soul now. But, according to reports that have surfaced over the last couple of days, you just didn’t say no to Michael. I wish I could remember where I read a quote from someone close to MJ (Brian Oxman, maybe?) who tried to tell Michael he was killing himself with all the drugs. The statement went something like, “Michael shot you a certain look; he didn’t say a word, but you knew that you had better can it or you’re gone.”

I don’t know if it was just spoiled-bratism, or if Michael was simply desperate, addicted and lost. People who are tortured in childhood often live long enough to torture others as adults — at the very least by building up emotional walls made of petrified wood. But that’s analysis for another day.

I still can’t believe he’s gone.


PS – Happy Fourth of July to all my fiends. I am delighted to go to the annual Polk Speed Shop Bash, given by #1 Son and Hannah, this night. Best part: we girls rented Revolutionary Road. Heh.