Monthly Archives: February 2010

Various & Sundry XXIII

You know the music from hearing it on a dozen commercials, but have you heard the entire piece? Very nice.

George Washington once wrote a list of 110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation. Many contain words to live by; others are just downright awesome:

#4 – In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise, nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet.
#17 – Be no Flatterer, neither Play with any that delights not to be Play’d Withal.
#38 – In visiting the Sick, do not Presently play the Physician if you be not Knowing therein.
#47 – Mock not nor Jest at any thing of importance, break no Jest that are Sharp Bitting and if you Deliver any thing witty and Pleasant, abstain from Laughing thereat yourself.
#90 – Being Set at meat, Scratch not, neither Spit, Cough, or blow your Nose, except there’s a Necessity for it.

You can read the entire list if you like. Definitely some funny (but completely sensible) stuff. How little things really change, eh?

Man I am late…I must fly, even though I’ve more to say. I’ve been shirking my RtB duties for the past day or two – I resolve to rectify that.

Going to Bando’s show tonight — I am now armed with a snow-worthy vehicle. (The Finkmobile is staying in for the night.) Bring on the snow!


¿Por qué? Pourquoi? II

WHY is there even a Russian domain extension? (.ru)
Oh yeah. They need a dependable originating source for comment spam.

WHY can some people just not see what’s going on?

WHY are teenagers more stressed out than adults?

WHY isn’t everything easier? (I know…we’re building character here.)

WHY do I have total control over everything except that which I want to control the most?

There are your questions for the day. Discuss.

There was a fire at my school at 2 a.m. They almost canceled for today. *Almost*


So, tell me.

Why do I need an Apple iPad?

If I have a big handbag (which I do), it could fit nicely in there. I could conceivably have WiFi and not get all honked about hotels charging me for it.


  1. I’d have to forswear Verizon for AT & T — and I am account holder for four other phones.
  2. Is this a flash in the pan? Just a bigger version of the iTouch? What will be its staying power vs. a laptop?
  3. Check out the specs (pdf). How much better a deal is it than a laptop?
  4. Will HTML5 be a sufficient replacement for Apple’s lack of Flash?

Crucial things to think about this day, a day that could shape up to be more stressful than it needs to be. Know’m sayin? Mondays: me no likey.


Photo credit: Reuters