Monthly Archives: July 2010

Aaaaand we’re off

I’ve created a new category for the Odyssey, so I can refer to it when I get all nostalgic in the months to come.

Endless planning, talking, phone calls, emails, saving and dreaming come to fruition today. I remember the day the plan was hatched. It’s been nonstop scheming ever since. We think it’s only fitting that since we dreamed this whole thing up on the way home from Greektown, we should begin the actual Odyssey with a trip to Greektown. Yay. (That, and they gave the Thriller a free night in the hotel, free food, and free money.) It also shaves off an hour on the drive to Joliet tomorrow, so thumbs up on all of it.

I’ve thought about how best to update folks. Not everyone is on Facebook, so I will post at RtB every day (mais oui!). But since I will be uploading lots of pictures and some videos, I’ll do most of that on Facebook and YouTube, to save space on the domain. Regardless, updates will be plentiful, in case you’re interested. :-)

The best part of getting ready these past few days has been the family visits. Yesterday, I spent some fantastic time with Mavis, and my baby boy Lars came over for dinner last night. We’ve seen Helen and Simone a couple of times (although too briefly), and I will spend two lovely hours with Justin and Jake, my angels, this morning before we leave. Only people I’ve missed seeing are Seamus and Hannah, but we’ll make up for that on our return.

Another sign of excitement: the Thriller was up and at ’em at 6:30 this morning, and for those of you who know him, that’s a rarity indeed. He is a night owl and a late sleeper.

So, what’s left? Camera, phones, chargers, computer, Nook, Flip video, GPS — check. Suitcases — check. Rousseau safely at BFF Kay and Bob’s house — check. Regular overnight house visits scheduled with Mavis and Simone — check. Lars scheduled to stop by and take the trash barrel out to the curb on Tuesday night — check.

Best family and fiends in the world — double check.

As my Dutch pal Suzanne would say: Tot ziens!

Bon voy-AH-gee,



And excited. I’m sure some of you are thinking, “What’s the big deal? It’s a vacation fuh cripesake.” Heh. Yeah, I suppose you’re right.

More updates as the next two days progress. Oh, we’re leaving a day early, by the way. A stop to make before Joliet. :-)

Sad brilliance

Outside of the compulsory book or two I read in school, I am largely ignorant of much of Mark Twain’s work. That must change.

Last night, after all the work was done and the Thriller went downstairs to read, I hit the sofa and channel-surfed. I came upon the last segment of Ken Burns’s Twain biopic on PBS. I was really surprised.

We generally tend to think of Twain as a sage; an American literary papa whose humor and talent for spinning yarns enchanted the world — and I do mean the world, as he toured extensively around the globe, giving talks and reading from his novels. But what I didn’t know was the freak show of guilt and personal tragedy that made up most of his adult life.

An inventor, he spent lots of time with the likes of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. He invested heavily in a contraption called the compositor, designed to make newsprinting more efficient. He actually staked a great deal of his wife’s personal fortune on its development, but it failed miserably, and his family lost nearly everything. It was for this reason that Twain embarked on his world speaking tour. He needed to recoup $200,000 in debts and save his beloved wife and daughters from the embarrassment personal bankruptcy would cause.

It was decided that his daughter and wife would go with him, but other daughter Susie would stay home. Susie fell ill while the others were in England, so Twain’s wife and daughter sailed home to take care of her. They were no strangers to losing a child, as they had lost a son years before. It was during that journey home that Susie died. Livvy (Twain’s wife) found out about it when she reached the States, and Twain himself was unable to attend the funeral services. Thus began the downward spiral into depression and loss.

Not long after, his wife died, which pretty much sealed the deal for him. Robbed of his soul mate and two of his children, he sank into despair and was, understandably, never the same. Never really happy again. How tragic.

I learned that his ambitious novel, A (Connecticut) Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, is an encapsulated representation of his own life. It starts out lighthearted and optimistic, and ends darkly. I must buy that today for my Nook.

It’s a fear that lives in the back of many minds, I’m sure: outliving all your loved ones. My grandmother Johnson lived to see her husband, sister, mother, father, and worst of all, all three of her sons, die. All the more reason to enjoy your family every day. Tell them you love them. Don’t lose touch.

Next week I am going to visit my cousin Glenn, who lives near Dallas. I haven’t seen him in probably 35 years. Perhaps we can talk about Mark Twain.

Happy Wegsday — now go hug your mama.


Random Neuron Firings

Whoa! Gilbert gets smacked for a hunnert grand for bashing LeBron. I still say he published what most fans were feeling, even though he went a little koo koo at the end of the letter.

But Jesse Jackson needs to SHUT. UP. Gilbert was acting like a “slave owner?” SERIOUSLY? It’s only a matter of time before his fellow media hog Sharpton shows up and throws his weight around. Couple o’ knuckleheads. They’re as bad as Beck and Olbermann — they just save it up for longer.

Wow, I’m a little snarky this morning. *feeling forehead* I might be coming down with something. Wait here. Going to make coffee.


All right, that’s better. Pssst. Hey Mel. Mel Gibson. Some advice: If she records one phone conversation, she might record another. Sheesh.


I’m in total agreement that if Lindsay Lohan doesn’t go to jail, then get supervised help this time, she’ll never learn. Shame on the enablers. The girl is suffering, lost, confused, lonely, and making a crap ton of bad decisions. Somebody needs to go over there and clean house.


Ha! How cool is this?

Will Saturday ever get here? I doubt it.


Apple pie hangover

Ugh…I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.

Actually, I didn’t eat the *whole* pie, but I had two slices of Dutch Apple last night after a fantastic cookout dinner at BFFs Kay & Bob’s house. Now I got a crackin’ sugar hangover. Blaaaah. Ah, well. Back on the wagon today.

I haven’t been on a vacation in 15+ years, so I really don’t remember much. Is it normal to feel a little apprehensive six days out? Like you haven’t thought of everything, or geez I hope we saved enough money to do unexpected fun stuff? I guess I’m just itching to get on the road. Sure wish I didn’t have an all-morning meeting in Columbus on Saturday. Blerk. Life would be a dream…

All right, it’s time to get ready and go to the school house. Meetings today, yay!

Fink out, on a rainy Monday morning, ick.