Monthly Archives: September 2011



It’s Finkday already — so hard to believe. While I am beyond excited to A) see my nephew from Florida who’s coming to visit his mother, and B) possibly bring Mavis home from the hospital sometime over the holiday weekend, I cannot ignore the exhaustion level. If it was still summer, this would be a cakewalk and I could still fit in a slumber party with the Js. But hey, what am I complaining about? It’s Mavis who’s suffering, not I.

There is good news this day, however:

  • Finkite BoomR is being romanced by a corporation impressed with his awesome skill set (as you know, he was one of the thousands hit by the Cisco Systems layoff massacre).
  • Dinner Theatre auditions are over with, and we have a good cast.
  • The Thriller and I had an awesome time with Lars and Helen at dinner last night (I could have stayed and yapped another hour, at least).
  • Two weeks in the books, and my choirs are not shockingly bad.
  • Mavis had a relatively good day yesterday.
  • I got to see RD for a quick visit this week.
  • New contact lenses arrived. Maybe I can actually see now.
  • Stephen King’s new book is now ready for download.
How about adding to the list? Gofrit. The Fink is keen to know.

Various & Sundry XXXV

Hey, now. I didn’t know all this, did you? You probably did. The saliva thing is kind of ooky.


Yep, these are next.


HAAAA — you know you’ve been there.


If  your phone has the predictive text feature, go to your text messaging app and just start typing, allowing the PT to construct the sentence. Start with the word “how.” Here’s what mine said:

How are you? I am a beautiful person. I have a breakfast date, then I will be able to breathe.


According to Mental Floss, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzerald had several working titles. Among them were On the Road to West Egg; Gold-Hatted Gatsby; and my personal favorite, The High-Bouncing Lover.


This is pretty accurate:


And speekina: will this never go away?


All right, I’ll be here all morning if I keep this up. Off to a crazy Thursday, followed by a crazier Friday. Hope all my RtB fiends are well.