Monthly Archives: June 2015

Bring on the next obsession

(As if I needed one.)

This morning, I bought a Jensen JTA-230. What’s that, you ask? It’s this. And everything old is new again…

Let the restocking process begin! Why on earth did I ever get rid of all those old albums and 45s? Mavis, the collection we once had, oh my…remember that? Ah, well. The good part is that I have a pretty much infinite birthday and Christmas list for the Thriller, which should make him happy. Let’s get started, son. ;-)

As I told David in a comment this morning, I have restarted reading The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, which I’d last read in its entirety in probably 1976 or so. Its famous scrolls chapters are inspiring me to shake the hatred and cruelty that surrounds me in the news and on social media, and to focus instead on improving myself in order to be a positive influence on others. Too easy to sit around and complain, when in fact we might be happier — and even live longer — if we develop the habit of seeking and bringing joy. I aspire to that.

It’s party day for Mr. A! Hard to believe #3 grandson turns #3 on Monday. He’s such a big boy, talking like a magpie and doing big boy things like yard work and caring for his little brother and playing with trucks and cars. I love being Grammie.

Happy weekend, fiends!

On schadenfreude and meanyism

Look, we’ve all done it, in some measure or form, and with varying degrees of intensity. It’s part of the human condition: we snark because we can. And as I was just discussing with RtB fiend David this morning, the medium through which we convey our vitriol makes it pretty easy to be hard.

Schadenfreude. The literal translation of this compound German word is “harm” (Schaden) “joy” (Freude). The specific meaning is, of course, taking malicious joy in the misfortune of others. We see it — and participate in it — in many forms. How many of us have found ourselves celebrating along with the shouting witnesses in a courtroom when the “guilty” verdict is broadcast on live TV, or thinking Yes! when the bad guy in a movie gets what’s coming to him?

Any of us who grew up with siblings experienced schadenfreude every time our brother got in trouble for eating the cookies that Mom saved back for us, or when we slapped our sister back, and asked her as she wailed in pain, See how it feels? How do YOU like it? In some ways, it’s a necessary rite of passage, in that we (hopefully) learn that to take satisfaction in others’ misery is a terrible thing to do. It’s malicious joy, and there is no room for that in a good person’s heart.

But lately, especially on social media, this malicious joy is crossing the lines of what is considered even the most marginal boundaries of integrity and respect, and it leads, almost without exception, to…

Meanyism. It will come as no surprise to you that I refer not only to the idiots who run off at the mouth because they don’t know any better and their mamas didn’t bother to teach them anything, but also to intelligent, well-read, otherwise lovely and caring people who lose their frickin’ minds at the slightest suggestion that another person might choose to live his or her life by different rules, or worse, glean an alternate meaning from the teachings of the Bible.


Sidebar from a lay person who was raised in the Baptist church: If the scriptures were not up for interpretation; if they were written in a singular, linear, unyielding, unchanging, indisputable, unmistakably plain fashion, then why so many denominations of Christianity? Why the Grand Canyonesque disparity between Christians and Jews over *one book?* Why are there eleventy hundred versions and translations? Can both Christians and Jews go to heaven? How about Mormons and Catholics and Seventh Day Adventists? Why do some folks profess to adhere to the “letter of the law” in select areas of the Bible, but not in all? The questions go ever, ever on, and the cherry-picking never stops.


Hateful, hateful speech out there right now, fiends. Honestly, I’ve never heard or seen anything like it. And of course, the hotbox topics are politics and religion, which, for some people, are tightly bound together. I used to think it was solely the anonymity of the commenting process that facilitated such verbal cruelty, but I don’t think that’s the whole package anymore. Indeed, Facebook — where everyone’s identity is revealed — is one of the most offensive dens of meanydom. The tantrums about seemingly (to me, anyway) the most trivial issues in the bigger scheme of life are so intense and out of control, no toddler ever in the history of toddlerhood could out-toddler them.

So, what to do about it after all this rambling? Truthfully, there is nothing I can do, except resolve to not be a part of the meanyhead’s world, as I can think of few other names I could be called that would cut as deep. I’d rather be viewed as a caring and kind heathen than an arrogant, self-righteous, mean-spirited tool.

Summer Break, Day 1*

Because you’re all dying to know what I’ve been doing, ja?

Well, don’t you know, I woke up at the butt crack of dawn, just like normal. Do you do that when you take a vacation, or do you automatically switch off the internal alarm and sleep in? And for the pensioners among us: Is your sleep time the same as it was for all those years of being on the work clock?

First thing I did was rejoice that I didn’t have to get dress clothes out of the closet and run for the shower, the coffee maker, and the road. After that, I lounged in the bed a bit longer, reading news on my phone. Then I got up and put some laundry in, talked on a chat with some teacher friends, made the coffee, read some stuff that supremely honked me off (I gotta quit that), mixed up some banana bread from the too-ripe-to-enjoy-naked fruit on the counter top, and sat down to write to you. And now it’s 9:45……….what to do now, what to do now….

These are the kind of mornings I could get used to. Well, until I went stir crazy from teenage attitude withdrawal.

Daughter-in-law Hannah is having some minor surgery this afternoon, so I will go sit at the hospital with her mom and Seamus, then head off to the toy store for some fun shopping for Mr. A’s third birthday party on Saturday. This evening, we’ll take Pax & Remy to the park for a workout, after which I will call it a night with writing to Kay, followed by some mindless tube watching.

And I resolve for the rest of the day to avoid reading things on social media that make me want to hunt down that Louisville Slugger.

Happy Wednesday, fiends — and that’s likely all you’ll get in that vein, as the time has now come for me to completely forget what day it is.


*Don’t worry, I don’t plan to do a day-by-day play-by-play. Although I thought about it…