Summer Break, Day 1*

Because you’re all dying to know what I’ve been doing, ja?

Well, don’t you know, I woke up at the butt crack of dawn, just like normal. Do you do that when you take a vacation, or do you automatically switch off the internal alarm and sleep in? And for the pensioners among us: Is your sleep time the same as it was for all those years of being on the work clock?

First thing I did was rejoice that I didn’t have to get dress clothes out of the closet and run for the shower, the coffee maker, and the road. After that, I lounged in the bed a bit longer, reading news on my phone. Then I got up and put some laundry in, talked on a chat with some teacher friends, made the coffee, read some stuff that supremely honked me off (I gotta quit that), mixed up some banana bread from the too-ripe-to-enjoy-naked fruit on the counter top, and sat down to write to you. And now it’s 9:45……….what to do now, what to do now….

These are the kind of mornings I could get used to. Well, until I went stir crazy from teenage attitude withdrawal.

Daughter-in-law Hannah is having some minor surgery this afternoon, so I will go sit at the hospital with her mom and Seamus, then head off to the toy store for some fun shopping for Mr. A’s third birthday party on Saturday. This evening, we’ll take Pax & Remy to the park for a workout, after which I will call it a night with writing to Kay, followed by some mindless tube watching.

And I resolve for the rest of the day to avoid reading things on social media that make me want to hunt down that Louisville Slugger.

Happy Wednesday, fiends — and that’s likely all you’ll get in that vein, as the time has now come for me to completely forget what day it is.


*Don’t worry, I don’t plan to do a day-by-day play-by-play. Although I thought about it…

6 thoughts on “Summer Break, Day 1*

  1. David

    “Summer time and the living is easy…” Congrats on the end of another school year and for being one more year closer to Pensionville.
    I do my best to stay away from the social media that will get me riled; of late, I have had to to block news feeds from three people on fb because of the non-stop stream of idiocy. Two were related to me, which is scary and one was a sort of colleague from my former profession. The one relative is an In-Law and had I not blocked him I was going to go back to Cheeseville and hurt him.
    As for sleep habits…mine have never really changed much. I am usually up around 5AM even as a pensioner, I rarely get more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night. If I sleep to 6AM that is seriously late. Those early morning hours are my favorite time of the day.
    Happy for you Ms Fiend…and I pray that the perfect Summer Odyssey presents itself to you and Thriller. Peace & <3

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I hear ya — and I saw it yet again this morning. Arrrg. Just gotta scroll past it and forget it, or it’ll tick me off all day long. And I too have had to delete people for their hateful posts. It’s 100% that keyboard; it’s the buffer that allows folks to be unspeakably cruel and not have to look anyone in the face for it. (Cheeseville, haha)

      6:00 is super late for me, too. Hate oversleeping…I’ll probably always be an early riser.

      An Odyssey this year is looking rather grim at this point, unfortunately. We can’t decide where to go, and since our budget is so shaky with all these home projects, we can’t decide which one can wait and which one is worth shelving more than the other…could it be that I’m just not feeling it this summer?? I dunno!

  2. Suzanne

    I love to get up early especially during vacations! The quiet of the morning, not having to rush around, that’s the life! I hope all is well with Hannah, enjoy your day!


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I lurrrve the early morning quiet, too! We must be in the minority, because I read from a lot of people that they are happily enjoying sleeping in. Not so for me.

      Yesterday was a great first vacation day, as I wasn’t a total slug, but the “busy” stuff was enjoyable. Not that I don’t love my job, but the “not having to rush around” part was really nice! <3 Hannah did great, and she’s resting at home now. I hope all is great in Klompenland!

  3. RD

    Glad you had a more relaxed pace this morning. I’m still an early riser. My big change: I tend to hit the sack earlier. I become comatose by 10 pm. I sometimes try to read before going to sleep, but then can’t remember what I read. I did a 10 mile bicycle ride this a.m. also mowed our yard and did a lot of trim work. Today is number two grandchild’s birthday so Bonnie and I phoned her and sang Happy Birthday to her. She now lives out of town. I pray everything is alright with Hannah. Wish I had known about her surgery. I would have also come to the hospital. Was it outpatient? I hope you have a positively amazing summer.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I figured you’d still be up at the crack! And I have yet to know another man of your very young age :-) who puts in 10 miles on a bike ride. You go! Glad you and Bonnie are back up here, as I’m sure the rest of your A-town fam and friends are as well.

      Hannah did great (it was gall bladder removal, and outpatient, so she was in and out in about 5 hours), and sorry I forgot to mention it — we all would have loved to see you!


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