Yes, that’s for all you fiends who love Les Mis as much as I do.
Once in a while, I get to see all four grandsons in one weekend. With my kids’ schedules, it doesn’t happen very often. But this time, the planets aligned and the A-Team spent some time with us on Thursday and Friday. It was divine. We played with cars and trucks, went to the park, rode some trikes, and had races up and down “Grammie’s big hill” in the back yard. It was a great couple of days. Funny how a 3-year-old and an 18-month-old can revive the young in an old hag. I loved it.
On Sunday, Mavis and I started the day with our weekly Bob Evans klatch. Then Lars brought the A-Team and joined us for lunch at our place. After taking dogs to the park and relaxing in the afternoon, we met Seamus and his family at the park for ice cream and conversation with the Js. While we ate and the Thriller played with Justin, I realized how special the weekend was, and in spite of how I’ve complained and harangued about the annus horribilis at school this past year, I am extremely fortunate to have my family near me.
I got nothing to complain about.
I hope all your Fathers Day celebrations were fun. Did you get together, or just relax at home? And the Indians won, too — how about that? (So did the Cubs, RD, I know…)
Today is a micro-mini-odyssey. We’re driving two hours to West Virginia (across the Newell Bridge, where you can see right through the surface to the Ohio River below, icky) to visit the Homer Laughlin China Company, where I will spend a glorious morning in the Seconds Room, choosing some lovely Fiestaware pieces, while the Thriller plays the dutiful beast of burden, hauling stuff to the car for me and waiting patiently (or not) for the second part of our day — the casino. Many many thanks to Mavis and her family for watching Pax and Remy for the day. Won’t they have fun…
All right, coffee’s done. Time to hit the “country road” to WV. Photos tomorrow. Ciao!
You are definitely blessed, my sweet. And we’re all having a blast with Pax/Remy! Can you believe he’s already taken to Tim?! Talk about grandchildren reviving you – my sweet pups have brought such joy in the house today! Thanks so much for letting us keep them. Enjoy the day!
Thanks a million for taking them, Mave and family — they told us they had a FABULOUS time at your place!!