A tasty morsel,

as my fiend Stoney is wont to say.

Yesterday, in her comment, PK gave a link to a cute little snack: Chocolate Peanut Butter Acorns. I thought they’d be perfect for the faculty lunch for Boss’s Day tomorrow, so I made some up last night:

Wow, they are yummy, and so easy. And I have enough ingredients left to possibly bring a batch to my cast at rehearsal tomorrow night — if they’re wonderful and the words are correct and the metal on the feet hits the floor all at the same time. [I was a bit disappointed that the Hershey’s Kisses had “chocolate dust,” even though the freshness date on the bag said 9-2012. :-( Oh well. Got overheated during shipping, I guess.]

They’re a great fall treat, and really do resemble little acorns. Cute!

All right. As Daffy Duck would say: back underground. More parts to write. And thanks again, PK!

4 thoughts on “A tasty morsel,

  1. Mavis

    WHOA! Those look fabulous!!!! What a great job you did, Bird. Everyone will gobble those up in no time! You’ve got quite the talent, my darling. Love you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I hope so, Mave! They sure do taste good. And I wish I could say I slaved over them, but they are the easiest thing in the world to put together! In fact, I told Simone this afternoon that it would be a great recipe for her to do with Brianna.

      Love you too — we need to palaver this week!

      1. Mavis

        Brianna would have a blast making those with Simone! They’ll be a big hit at school for you this week, too.

        YES! A palaver is definitely on the agenda this week!


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