
Power went out at 7:30 last night, and just around midnight, I saw the night light go on in my bedroom.

Category 1 hurricane winds hit Ohio last night. Part of my town is still without power. Schools in my county were closed today; they were without power, too. Wild.

Last night around 6 p.m., I heard a huge crash. This small tree trunk was lying across my front walk, just in front of my steps. Had Rousseau and I been out there…

There are parts of trees everywhere. The Thriller called the city department arborist, and he told us that we’re 39th in line to get tree damage cleared up. Our roof shingles are in pretty bad shape; the insurance claim was filed this morning. Crazy. But I’m glad no one was hurt.

Worst thing: I missed Mad Men. Off I go to the AMC website to see if I can look at it.

Fink out.

2 thoughts on “Ack.

  1. Bando


    I have Mad Men on the DVR. You know it’s worth the drive…

    Hey – if you missed the Browns game, that’s one for the + column.

  2. Rat Fink Post author

    ACCKKK! Bando, it would be definitely worth the drive, you know that. I wish I had the friggin’ TIME! AMC doesn’t have it for download (iTunes has some, but not the one from Sunday). RATS!


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