All is well.

Of course all is well. It’s been an hour since the terrible thunderstorm passed, and Rousseau the Chicken Dog has long returned to sleeping like a baby. I, on the other hand…

Funny how I’ve had two school nights thus far, and have failed to stay asleep past 3 a.m. on both occasions. We are going to have success tonight though, by crackie, because tomorrow is a marathon. It’s the first football game of the year, and Stoney and I are scheduled to be ticket droids at the gate. Fun! I like that job; you get to greet everyone. <insert cheesy Walmart joke here, go ahead>

The first day of school was not a train wreck. Lots and lots of rusty singing, but we’ll fix that right up, now won’t we?

Truthfully, it’s good to be back with my kids and colleagues. I’m starting my 13th year at my school, which means the students who were in kindergarten when I arrived are now seniors.


So, what’s fun to do at 3 a.m.?? I guess I’ll go make my lunch and choose an outfit. I’m tellin’ ya. One. Big. Party. At least I get a free latte at Starbucks this morning. Yay!


4 thoughts on “All is well.

  1. Will

    Wooo for free Starbucks! Also, wow, it has been 13 years. That means it’s been 13 years since I was a high school Freshman. That’s just crazy. And then next year, with the exception of any kids that might have gotten held back a year here and there, there won’t be a single kid that was there when you started.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I know, right? It’s bizarre to look at these seniors and remember them sitting on my floor with rhythm sticks, tambourines, finger cymbals…

      Funny, the thing they all remember was when I gave them paper and crayons, and they had to draw the mood of the music selection I played. Should have just had art class!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks Hanks! And ya gits a free latte any which way you can. :-) (Actually, if you register a Starbucks gift card at any time in your life, they keep your birthday on file and send you a cute post card that you take to Bux and redeem for a free anything.)


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