Production week has arrived, my fiends. For you thespian types, you know what that involves. For those of you who possess more stable minds and choose not to involve yourself in musical theater, this means:
- I leave for school at 6:50 a.m., and drag back through the door at 10 p.m.
- I think about many things:
- Do I have everything set up for the orchestra?
- Do all my stand lights work?
- Are there enough batteries for the mics?
- Where’s my friggin’ BATON!?!?
- Do I have all the tempo changes marked in the overture?
- When are the Chameleon headsets going to arrive?
- Whose name did I leave out of the program?
- DANGIT I forgot to give the payroll information to Shirley.
- It’s 5:57 a.m. and I haven’t made lunch or dinner for tonight for me and #1 Son.
- Why do I feel like I’m going to vomit?
- There are three rehearsals left (which answers the previous question).
- I think we have a fine show, with solid singing and talented young people who have learned volumes about acting.
- I don’t know how I’m going to squeeze Jakey into my schedule this week, which makes me sad.
- I have very little time for parent-teacher conferences this week (not altogether a bad thing, since very few people sign up to conference with the choir director — also not altogether a bad thing).
Yikes it’s 5:59 and I have to get going. Have a delightful Monday, and I’ll see a great many of you this night…
Fink out.
pace yourself sweetie! It will all be over soon, and I wish I was there to see it!
To you, my friend and all your thespians, musicians, techies, costume-types, lights and sound people – BREAK A LEG!
See ya on the other side!
OMG, you blog?! That is SO raven!
Luke, you are SO weirdo. That’s why I love you. See you Saturday morning, Barnacle Bill.