The big reveal.
My latest labor of love is The Comfort Foodie. I only have four posts so far, but the plan is to add a new dish every week to ten days or so. I’ve enjoyed the beginnings of this new Odyssey, and I hope to get lots more mileage out of it. I’m learning heaps about food photography (from my mistakes), too. Love it.
It’s kind of a recipe file for my family, complete with pictures and my silly commentary. I hope to share it with you as well, so go over and click around — and take special notice of the part where I ask you for your special family comfort-food recipes. I’ve already twisted the arms of Mavis and BoomR to get me started, so I’m good for the next post or two there. Such exciting stuff. I am happy about it, and looking forward to it.
So nom nom, I’m a food blogga. I’d be delighted if you, my wonderful, worldwide readers that number way up into, oh, the 90s, would have a gander. I invite you to share memories and impressions in the comments, and possibly get a recipe together to send to me.
after all these years, im still creeping around on the blog
. maybe one day i can wow my family with some of these delicious recipes on your new site. *bookmarked* . i don’t think i will ever stop reading this blog, you were the greatest teacher i had and this blog keeps the memories fresh! you taught many of us great things, not just about music, but about life, and how to be an adult. and i’m truly honored to have had you as my choral director for all the years I was there.(:
Well thank you, Mr. O’B. That makes my night! I don’t know any teacher who wouldn’t be totally humbled and touched by those comments. And boy do I miss that gorgeous voice of yours…best to you and your beautiful daughter!
Linda, I couldn’t be more excited for you and I’ll look forward to visiting TCF! I love reading RTB, and your next venture promises to be yummy fun!!!
Thanks so much, Candy! And I’ll bet your mama has some great down-home recipes you could share sometime — I’d love to hear about one.
Now the trick’s going to be finding time to feed *both* blog addictions. LOL
Congrats, sista! Nice foodie blog. I’ll send you a couple, although you already have Spaghetti pie! LOL
Glad you’re back to RTB, though. It was awfully quiet around here without you.
Spag pie is on the list, babe!