It’s a little later than usual this year, but I’m almost done choosing tunes for Dinner Theatre. Actually, it’s a *lot* later.
The Thriller insists that as I’m getting older and my mind is more on grandchildren and travel than grand theater and tap dancing, my priorities are shifting. It’s true that I’ve been thinking about retirement more and more lately (many of my teacher friends already know I’m not going to make it to 30 years). I told BFF Kay last night that I want to be there for Jake and Justin’s concerts, ball games and school programs. I want to be able to pick them up from school sometimes, and take them to my house for dinner, homework, hang-out time, whatever. I also want to be available to drop everything and take off for an extended weekend with the Thriller before we get too old to take off for anywhere.
And don’t forget the occasional sleeping in.
Anyway, I figured about nine more years and I’m done. I’ll do something else, like the bakery business, or maybe write another book. The thing is, I can’t do just part of my job as I get older. I have to do it all, or it won’t work. In other words, I have to do those shows; gotta put in the late nights for three months, twice a year. That’s what’s aging me. But cripes, I do luv it.
Subject change……………….
What do you have planned for the “holiday” weekend? I put “holiday” in curly finger quotes because it’s supposed to be a day “on,” not a day “off.” I should be performing a community service on MLK Day, but instead, I am having tap rehearsal. Is that a service? Whom does it serve? I spoke to a friend who works in the private sector yesterday and asked him what he’s doing on MLK Day. He scoffed and said, “I have to work on MLK Day! I’m not a public school teacher!”
WELL! *humph*
Regardless, it is Saturday, and for many, that is a day of rest. So rest while you can, fiends. Monday (or Tuesday) is right around the corner.
Some of us in “corporate America” actually get MLK day off! WOOT! This is actually a 5-day weekend for me. My boss gave me 2 “comp” days to make up for having to work Sat/Sun last weekend @ CES. So I’ve been off starting Thurs.
Been trying to finish up my woodworking project – the new studio desk/console – and it’s almost done (you can see pics on my Facebook wall). I had to take a break & open up some windows because this WAY cool paint/finish that I’m using has a wicked staank to it that’ll throw you for a loop. BV says I’m loopier than usual. kaBLAM!
In your free time (yeah, right), have you seen either the new TRON movie or Green Hornet? (or maybe you have no desire, and that’s cool). I’d be curious to get your take on either one…
OK, back to the lollypop squirrel merry-go-round tuna fish crescent wrench…..
Lollypop squirrel tuna fish…HAAA
I have seen the photos, and what a project! How far are you from finishing?
The trailer for Green Hornet looked good! Saw it at the theater the other night. It’s been so long since I saw the first Tron — I hardly remember what it was about, besides the fact it had dreamy Jeff Bridges in it. Remember, of the two of us, you’re the sci-fi guy.
If I get out to see Green Hornet, I’ll make sure to weigh in! You guys going to see it this weekend?
I know what you mean about the first TRON – I was looking to see if it was at B’buster & re-released on BluRay. But no luck
I’m a big fan of JB as well! I enjoyed TRON, but it was one of those where I could have waited until it came out on BD.
As for GH, I was sort of bummed that it was turned into a slapstick comedy. I hate it when remakes only resemble the original in name & a few costuming/prop odds & ends. Just my $0.02