Bring on the next obsession

(As if I needed one.)

This morning, I bought a Jensen JTA-230. What’s that, you ask? It’s this. And everything old is new again…

Let the restocking process begin! Why on earth did I ever get rid of all those old albums and 45s? Mavis, the collection we once had, oh my…remember that? Ah, well. The good part is that I have a pretty much infinite birthday and Christmas list for the Thriller, which should make him happy. Let’s get started, son. ;-)

As I told David in a comment this morning, I have restarted reading The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, which I’d last read in its entirety in probably 1976 or so. Its famous scrolls chapters are inspiring me to shake the hatred and cruelty that surrounds me in the news and on social media, and to focus instead on improving myself in order to be a positive influence on others. Too easy to sit around and complain, when in fact we might be happier — and even live longer — if we develop the habit of seeking and bringing joy. I aspire to that.

It’s party day for Mr. A! Hard to believe #3 grandson turns #3 on Monday. He’s such a big boy, talking like a magpie and doing big boy things like yard work and caring for his little brother and playing with trucks and cars. I love being Grammie.

Happy weekend, fiends!

3 thoughts on “Bring on the next obsession

  1. Mavis

    Whoa! I love the Jensen!!! And yes, I remember our album collections. Between the two of us, it was HUGE. I have always thought that music sounded better on vinyl and good record player. Sure miss those days.

    I agree with you, Bird. We need to forget about the *meanies* on FB, the news and other media. If everyone worked on being the best person they can be, can you imagine this world? Too bad it will never happen. But at least we don’t have to participate!

    Looking forward to Mr. A’s party today!

  2. David

    Bring on the vinyl…I love it! Phoenix has the best vinyl shop near Arizona State campus…very cool.

    Have a Blessed weekend!

  3. RD

    We have a large set of vinyl albums of classical music but nothing to play them. We have several other albums but none of them are Beatles. I also have some old 78 rpm glass records including some the Old Fashioned Revival Hour male quartet. Yes to Og Mandino and his emphasis on developing a positive approach to people and things and not letting others control our attitudes. I have experienced and seen both sides of this in the past few days. Along the same line, have you read any of Zig Zigler? Have a top drawer weekend celebrating #3 for #3. We’re off to the high school graduation of our #6 grandchild.


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