Catatonic; in a stupor

Yep, that could just about describe me.

Bakery boxes at wholesale; imprinting or not? Are the box measurements right? How many Doodles will it hold? Inserts have to be food-grade. How does this stupid shopping cart software work? Ah, we don’t have to charge sales tax since it’s food. Praise Jesus, Mary & Joseph. Comparison shop. We need a good caricature artist for our logo. Gotta call the ODA today to schedule the inspection. Need to open a bank account. Business license form all filled out; just need Mavis’s signature. Must call Hannah to see if I can grab the boys for an overnighter this week.

Yep — saved the most important detail for last. :-)

So, are we back to work today? I must say I’m happy to have this week “off.” Shyeah right. OK, back to it. Happy Monkday, fiends. Get at me.

7 thoughts on “Catatonic; in a stupor

  1. PKPudlin

    My daughter in Pittsburgh can do your logo; don’t know how she is with caricatures, but you can ask her. She did mine.

    I’m doing the same thing this week – make key copies, empty out new space, get pianos moved along with other furniture, desks, books, posters, etc. Get said pianos tuned. File for LLC next week, open a business bank account. Meet with teachers to get rental agreements signed and pick up checks, set up book keeping software, get business accounts and contracts with local music stores (I REFUSE TO CARRY INVENTORY, THANK YOU.) for swift book and etc. delivery, notify all (50+) students of the news and get a map out to them.
    Oh, and did I mention I’m also arranging for Schola auditions on 1/15??? Plus digging out rep for the concert in May so we can start rehearsals in Feb? Have you ever tried to find Renaissance ensemble music written by female composers??? I know it’s out there somewhere…..

    Other than that I don’t have anything to do. :P

    PK, in a whirlwind… chasing my tail most likely….

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Whoa — you beat me hands down on the to-do list! At least most of my stuff can be done alone; you have to meet with people. Eewwwww

      How many spots are open in Schola? And I’m afraid I couldn’t help you on the female Renaissance composers.

      1. PKPudlin

        Yeah, it’s a bear. Growing pains always are…

        Schola is auditioning everyone – even current members – more for balance and to do some ‘weeding’ if you know what I mean…. have had a couple of outside people express interest. Hope to get it up to 16 (4/part) or 20 but I think that’s down the road a bit.

        I have the composers’ names, but can I find anything in print??? ACK. Therein lies my problem. Sigh.

  2. RD

    Hey, you’re making progress! My “to do” list is miniscule compared to yours, but I’m also catatonic; in a stupor. I think it’s the shock of the cold weather on my all my physiological systems!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Indeed! Last night’s temps probably chilled yer old bones, matey. We should get a warm-up of sorts tomorrow, though. Hope we can get together for java before you go back to Paradise. Text!


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