Category Archives: Family

The wait is over

Almost time to celebrate (although it won’t be a *real* wahoo until he’s in the car with us, and we’re leaving the pound parking lot).

After five days of fretting and worrying and wondering, it has arrived. Remington Day is here! We’re leaving to make one last drive to Youngstown and back, and then no more wandering for Mr. Remy. He’ll be home.

Well, at least until the poor thing gets dropped off at the vet hospital for neutering. Haha

We’ve been behaving like expectant parents, which, I suppose, should be no surprise. Talk has been about little else, and as a result, my school prep has suffered. If I told you I wasn’t hoping for a snow day or two come Monday, I’d be lying. :-) It’s no excuse, I know, but I just haven’t been able to concentrate the last couple of days. The tap shoes still sit upstairs in the closet; I haven’t even thought about choreography, outside of mapping out a couple of basic moves on the hardwood floor in my moccasins.

It’s OK, though. I’m not apologizing for it. I need to get through the craziness of welcoming a new family member into the house and getting him acclimated to his surroundings. Then we need to have family over for the big “reveal” — I really want him to meet everyone. After that, all of you can come over for tea.

I guess I should get off this box and start getting ready, while the Thriller is busy outside with the snowblower. Or maybe just one more coffee beforehand. Yeah, I like that idea.

Updates on the way, fiends — thanks for following this little journey with me.


PS – Happy Birthday to Finkville reader Helen today!

HNY from RtB VI

Happy 2014, my fiends. Hard to believe this is my sixth New Year’s greeting to you. Did any of you who’ve been with me since the get-go (February 2008) think I’d ever last this long? Yeah, me neither. :-) And yet, here I am, and here you are — old fiends and new. I like it.

I make it a habit to revisit my previous NYD posts, linking backwards, all the way to 2009. What I like most is not seeing whether or not I’ve fulfilled every promise or maintained every resolution. Rather, it’s seeing the feedback from readers that bakes, takes and eats the cake for me. My wish for 2014 is to get (and somehow maintain, although I know that will be my job) more conversation going here on a regular basis. That’s my New Year’s Resolution: write more, talk more, listen more, communicate more. Which translates to drink more espresso. Fist pull.

But hey — on to bigger and better this morning…

First, the Thriller surprised me with this on our anniversary last night. Suffice to say it’s much more beautiful in real life. I was speechless. He’s a keeper, even if he didn’t spoil me with pearls and diamonds once in awhile.

Second, we have an update on a situation that’s been occupying our every thought since 30 December at 8:30 a.m.

Since losing our precious Rousseau back in April, we’ve been sort of on the fence about whether or not we’d want to have another dog in the house, simply because neither of us could fathom ever loving another animal as much as we loved him. We’d pretty much sworn off thinking about it, even though the Thriller was still receiving regular email updates from pet rescue sites all over the country. All was well until he sent me an email with a picture of a dog attached.

Enter Remington, the pup that will change our lives, providing his owners don’t call to claim him in the next 48 hours. If that happens, we’re trying to be prepared, and we’ll be sad, but we’ll know it just wasn’t in the cards. However, the gal at the rescue (who’s been doing the job for many years) says it is rare that a dog will be reclaimed if the owners don’t contact a local shelter within hours of it going missing. For us, that’s good news, because he’s been there one week today, and they’ve heard nothing. We hope it stays that way.

This is a purebred blue merle Australian Shepherd. If he was a general, happy mutt, we wouldn’t be as suspicious. But he’s not been neutered, and he’s full grown, which suggests several unlovely scenarios. Even so, he’s beyond sweet, very submissive, and beautiful to look at, even though his coat is an absolute mess and he’s filthy.

Another telltale sign manifested when we reached out to pet him, and he immediately lay down with his nose between his paws. This little boy’s likely been hit, but lemmetellya, he’ll never be hit again. By anyone. Still, when I sat down on the bench in the reception area, he leaned with all his weight up against my leg and rested his head — just like Rousseau used to do. I think I was a goner at that point…

Anyway, the update — get to the update, wouldya?

We were told originally that we couldn’t take him home until after he’d been neutered, and that the first available date for surgery would be Tuesday. That bothered the gal at the rescue (and us, too), because she didn’t want Remy to spend another weekend at the pound, where he is clearly terrified. Trust me, we did not want to leave that place without him yesterday.

So, the Thriller emailed Trish at the rescue after we got home yesterday, saying if there was any way to expedite the adoption on Friday, we would be amenable. She responded late last night, saying that she had arranged for Remy to be adopted out to us on Friday morning first thing, provided we gave our word that we would schedule the neutering on our own. Wow! Seeing as how the neutering is a condition of adoption, they sure are stepping out in faith on our behalf. But Trish told us it was our story (about losing Rousseau) that really touched her heart, and she “had a feeling” about us being the right choice for Remington.

And that we are. I hope he will grow to love us and our family, and that the training/re-training process goes smoothly.

Cuz you know, Mama Fink’s shoe collection is off limits.  Mmm-hm.

So that’s the update for now. My hope is that the Youngstown area isn’t so buried in snow on Friday morning that we can’t get through the frozen tundra to pick up this boy. I’m thinking that there’s little that could stop us, though. :-D

Until a code issue is straightened out with my new theme, you will need to click on the post title of any blog post to see or leave comments. Please do; it’ll make me happy. :-)

Je me souviens

And I’ll bet some of you remember, too.

Yesterday — and I’ve forgotten how I got there — I ended up on some blog site where a woman shared her memories of growing up in the 1960s. I thought I’d never see the day when I’d say, “Those were simpler, happy times,” but there you go. They were. Mavis and I have tons of great memories of going to church, singing with our friends, shopping with Mother (especially at F.W. Woolworth’s candy counter, where we were allowed, if we were very good, to get a quarter-pound of the chocolates of our choice), winter ice skating, and summers at Brown Deer Pond.

But today, this post is about FOOD, dude! Does anyone else remember…

We drank this by the gallon


Burger Chef & Jeff!

Burger Chef & Jeff!


These were extra-special treats, because Mother let us eat them on TV trays in the den. Whoa, camel.

These were extra-special treats, because Mother let us eat them on TV trays in the den. Whoa, camel.


Mother and Grandma Johnson made these all the time. Yummy.

Mother and Grandma Johnson made these all the time. Yummy.


Think kettle corn. And no, Mother never let us buy any, so I had to beg it off friends at school.

Think kettle corn. And no, Mother never let us buy any, so I had to beg it off friends at school.


On the rare occasions when Mother bought it, it was like Christmas.

On the rare occasions when we were allowed to buy it, it was like Christmas.


The waiting was the hardest part.

The waiting was the hardest part.


I loved the beef kind; Mavis liked the chicken.

I loved the beef kind; Mavis liked the chicken.


Food was so awesomely bad for you back then, but nobody really knew that, or noticed, or cared, or whatever.

You know the drill: pony up with some food memories of your own. Find a link to it somewhere if you want to, and we’ll all see if we remember it.

As for now, the orchestra cuts won’t edit themselves. Over ‘n out.

Lovely visit

John, Mavis and me

Our cousin John came through Ohio yesterday and stopped in for a visit. It was grand! We talked a lot about our childhood, when we’d meet regularly at Grandma’s house.

Mavis and I shared lots of memories while waiting for John and his daughter to arrive. Most of them involved the two of us goofing off at Grandma’s with our initial brood of first cousins: Susie, Glenn, Julie, Johnny and Jerry. Combined with our uncle Dan (who was only one year older than Mavis), we made for a silly crew.

Those were the days, my friend…

So. The first of August. In a few days, it’ll be another summer in the books, and off to the races once again. It’s going to be an interesting school year. But none of that now; gotta get to today’s to-do list. Yaaay

Birthday boy

Aw, he cleans up nice.

Well, guess who is 62? :-)

Happy happy birthday to the Thriller today. We have a busy day planned, and I will cook dinner for him tonight (he prefers my cooking to restaurant food — imagine that) before he watches the White Sox beat up on the Tribe. Or at least, that’s almost my birthday wish for him. Heh heh.

He rarely gets to watch a White Sox game on TV, of course, because of the MLB broadcast market around here. So it’s a treat when he gets to see them live. But he hopes not to see last night’s beatdown on his birthday. Me? Not so much.  :twisted:

He’s called me “Dirty Rotten Tribe Fan” for going on 17 years; why stop now? :-D

Today will be fun for different reasons as well, as our cousin John (the son of our mother’s sister) from Illinois will be passing through town, and is stopping at the house for a visit on his way east. Mavis and I are looking forward to catching up; we sure had some laffs as kids at Grandma’s house.

Happy Wednesday — get over that hump and look forward to the weekend, fiends.