Category Archives: Food

Two (2)

Couple of days ago, I ran across an old Pinterest link for a recipe that used only two ingredients: a spice cake mix, and a small can of pumpkin. Whaaat? So I tried it — and it was fantastic. Very moist and tasty.

Well, last night, while stumbling around on StumbleUpon before bed, I found an article on Buzz Feed, featuring some insane 2-ingredient dishes. These jumped out at me:

1. Nutella + Eggs = Flourless Nutella Cake

2. White Chocolate Chips + Oreos = Cookies n’ Cream Oreo Bark

3. Can of Strawberry Frosting + White Chocolate Chips = Strawberry Fudge
4. Yellow Cake Mix + Lemon-Lime Soda = Soda Can Cupcakes
5. Nilla Wafers + Mint White Chocolate = White Thin Mints
What say? Should I get started this weekend? :-D


You don’t need the Kitchen Ninja to make this awesome power-smoothie. If you have a blender, you’re good.

Yesterday, I tried the Ninja for the first time, and what a home run, wow. It took, seriously, no longer than about 7 seconds to make a perfectly-blended smoothie — no stopping to stir, no scraping the sides down, no chipping with a knife at the bottom, nothin’.

The recipe was for a strawberry-banana drink, but I was out of strawberries. So I improvised, and this is what I came up with. It was dandy, I must say.

Black Raspberry-Banana Smoothie

1/2 cup each blackberries, raspberries, vanilla yogurt and Diet Sprite
1/2 banana
About a cup of smallish ice cubes (maybe 6 regular sized)
Handful of pecan halves

Schlep it all in there and zoom. It made two smoothies, so I froze one and slurped it this morning.



Now I’m off to the school house…Yay! :-) Truthfully, it feels OK to be back at it. I need a routine.

Le jour de gloire est arrivé

And if you can tell me what song that line comes from, I will personally send you a big fat lovely Hershey’s chocolate bar. Why?


Happy Hamsgiving to one and all this day! While I’m at school, Mavis will be making all the preparations (a big shout of thanks to her — there is no way I could have done this alone with having school all day), and I will fly home by 3:45 to assist in last-minute things before company arrives at 5:30. Big gracias also goes to the Thriller for his role in cleaning, pitching and carrying. All I have to do is frost a cake when I get home, and help with final preflight preps, and then it is ON. Thirteen of us will party down on the roast beast and fixins, and there will be much love all around.

I will check in with you later this evening, and of course tomorrow, to see how your holiday weekend is shaping up (except for Suzanne, who lives in a place where turkeys roam free…wait, are there turkeys in Holland?). Report!

Fink, over ‘n out

Two new things

I’ve tried one, but not the other. Yet.

A couple of weeks ago, Mavis and I were in Wally, doing some grocering. We were both thirsty and talking about getting a drink on the way out of the store when we happened upon a center-aisle display of something called Sparkling Ice, in tall, slim, attractive bottles (about the size of the old fashioned Pepsi bottles we used to buy) for a dollar each. Have you tried it? We each bought one and boy, were they tasty.
I ended up going back this past weekend and getting more — one in each flavor (except pomegranate…ick). For someone who hates plain water, this is great. Slightly sparkling, a small amount of sucralose, and jacked with some antioxidants. Fantastic. I say go get some if you’re up for a change of pace.
Last week, I ordered some stuff for a baby shower I’m attending soon. One of the sites where I placed an order was hawking a deal on a corn dog baker — that is, you can have your corn dog without deep frying it. I thought, “Hmm. Worth a try for that price,” so I bought it. It arrived Saturday and I am looking forward to trying it tonight.
Have you used one of these? If so, how did you like it? Amazon customer reviews seem pretty positive. Anyway, I bought some cornbread mix and a package of 98% fat free turkey dogs; we’ll see how the slightly-more-healthy version of this yummy county fair treat works out.
Aaaaaand it’s Monday. Cripes…

Life changing? Really?

Now I have to try it.

I mean, who says a chocolate cake recipe is “life changing?” The comment posters at Taste Spotting, that’s who. Well, we’ll just have to see about that. When my work is done today, I am going to make this chocolate cake, and post it on The Comfort Foodie blog.

Don’t get me wrong: I love cake. Almost any kind of cake. Chocolate is #1, of course, but give me carrot, spice, lemon, sponge, cheese, strawberry, white, yellow, green, purple or orange, and I will eat it. Relish it, even. I. Love. Cake. It makes me go like this.

It also makes me somewhat picky. I know what I like in the way of mouth feel, aftertaste, frosting pairing, and what the hoity-toitys call chocolate “notes.” But in a pinch, you could put two inches of icing on a sponge and I’d fight my way through it. I just love cake. Are you picking up what I’m laying down here?

So prepare your eyeballs for some chocolaty photo goodness over at TCF later on.

Shameless commercial blurb: Did you know you can be notified by email when I post a new recipe and photos at The Comfort Foodie? Well, you can, if’n you want. Just click over and register, making sure to check the box to be notified when there’s new stuff. I promise I won’t spam yer addy with anything except a change in content on the site.

Anyway, time to shut this thing down and finish some choreography (will it never, ever end?) so I can hit the grocery and bake up some yummy. Have a great Saturnday, mes amis.

Over ‘n out.