Category Archives: Food


That’s me this day.

Yesterday, this lovely assistant arrived in the mail. I had a food processor back in the 90s — a big ol’ honkin’ thing — and just never used it, so it ended up on the garage sale table one year. Well, now that my life is buried in recipes and cooking, I decided to jump on a 50%-off sale at Amazon. Now this cute little thing is on the counter top.

I wonder, though — what do people use it for the most? Do you have one? If so, how is it the most handy? What’s your favorite thing to put in it?

Ready, steady, go. I covet your ideas.

PS — speaking of food, a big thank you goes out to several Finkites who have signed up at TCF to receive an email update when I make a new post. To those who haven’t, no worries — I won’t spaminate ya; I’ll just auto-send a mail when a new post is up, which should be Saturday night — and it’ll be sweet. :-)

PPS – Hugs go out to our fiend BoomR, who’s down for the ten-count with the stomach flu. XO And here we are, talking about food… :P

And here we are…

The big reveal. :-)
My latest labor of love is The Comfort Foodie. I only have four posts so far, but the plan is to add a new dish every week to ten days or so. I’ve enjoyed the beginnings of this new Odyssey, and I hope to get lots more mileage out of it. I’m learning heaps about food photography (from my mistakes), too. Love it.

It’s kind of a recipe file for my family, complete with pictures and my silly commentary. I hope to share it with you as well, so go over and click around — and take special notice of the part where I ask you for your special family comfort-food recipes. I’ve already twisted the arms of Mavis and BoomR to get me started, so I’m good for the next post or two there. Such exciting stuff. I am happy about it, and looking forward to it.

So nom nom, I’m a food blogga. I’d be delighted if you, my wonderful, worldwide readers that number way up into, oh, the 90s, would have a gander. I invite you to share memories and impressions in the comments, and possibly get a recipe together to send to me.



Start a food blog, don’t start a food blog. Start a food blog, don’t start a food blog. What do you think, fiends?

Here’s the thing. I don’t have a particular cooking/baking style. It’s pretty eclectic, and ranges from the ridiculous to the sublime. I just have to decide whether it’s all worth sharing (I am also going to need some extra income when I grow up and retire). Behold the skeleton premise:

  1. There are many recipes our mother used that I would love to share. She was raised on a farm, the eldest of nine children, and learned a lot about cooking — by necessity, because she did most of it for the family. She then grew up to be an amazing cook, and passed a lot of her knowledge down to us. I want to keep that alive.
  2. I’m no legitimate foodie. In fact, I’m an illegitimate foodie. I cook and bake for comfort and nostalgia, and for the joy factor, which I hope is reflected in the stuff I make. I would share that.
  3. The concentration would be on easy, fun and filling Midwestern fare, with shortcuts and other ideas along the way. There’d be a definite concentration on cake baking.
  4. Now that the Thriller has his lovely new toy, I would concentrate on honing my skills with food photography as well.
  5. Then, of course, there’s my irascible wit.………..*cricket, cricket*
For several weeks now, I’ve been secretly researching the prospect of food blogging, and how I might create an income stream (however modest) from it. That’s the Fink. Alllllways thinkin’. Hm. Food for thought. And speaking of food…it’s time to start assembling those chicken pot pies for Mavis’s birthday feast tonight. Yay!
Is it the end of the weekend already? Yipes.

Camera and cake

The Thriller bought a new camera the other day (Nikon D5100). It’s a thing of beauty. I needed to get more comfortable using it, so I did a little pictorial of my carrot cake extravaganza. (Judging from the small pieces I tasted from the baking pans, this recipe’s a keeper).


So what do you think of that camera? It’s a dandy, I say. And I think this carrot cake will knock you clean out.

A tasty morsel,

as my fiend Stoney is wont to say.

Yesterday, in her comment, PK gave a link to a cute little snack: Chocolate Peanut Butter Acorns. I thought they’d be perfect for the faculty lunch for Boss’s Day tomorrow, so I made some up last night:

Wow, they are yummy, and so easy. And I have enough ingredients left to possibly bring a batch to my cast at rehearsal tomorrow night — if they’re wonderful and the words are correct and the metal on the feet hits the floor all at the same time. [I was a bit disappointed that the Hershey’s Kisses had “chocolate dust,” even though the freshness date on the bag said 9-2012. :-( Oh well. Got overheated during shipping, I guess.]

They’re a great fall treat, and really do resemble little acorns. Cute!

All right. As Daffy Duck would say: back underground. More parts to write. And thanks again, PK!