Crucial minutiae

Relatively mundane tasks, given important meaning.

Chef Threeler

This morning, the Thriller is feeling exceptionally peppy. So peppy in fact, he wouldn’t allow me to help him cook one of his favorite meals (chili) in preparation for company for lunch today. His voice is stronger right now, whereas usually it’s little more than a whisper. He ate a big breakfast, and when our industrial-model Bunn coffee pot cracked, he went downstairs, unearthed the Keurig, got online and ordered a new carafe, and ran to Hawkins to buy some K-cups so we could finish our morning coffee-drinking routine. How about that, all by 10 a.m.?

These are the days for which I’m eternally grateful. I know there’s a rough road ahead, but we just discussed this morning about how easy it is to be placed on an arbitrary timeline or someone’s scale of what should happen, when in fact, it’s no understatement to say that everyone’s cancer is completely different. We’re in it to beat this thing into submission.

Are you having a good day? Hope so! Things are easy like Sunday morning here on sunny Sandusky Street.


18 thoughts on “Crucial minutiae

  1. PKPudlin

    Hey, I have a terrific recipe for cornbread to go with that chili!! Enjoy every bite!
    Love and hugs-
    Who never sets foot in the kitchen if she can help it.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks PK! The chili was great, and we sure did enjoy the company, too. Share that recipe! I love cornbread! :-D

  2. Jarrod

    Wonderful news to receive on a Sunday morning. Glad to hear he’s doing so well. You are both inspirations. Chili sounds so good. I wonder if Thriller would consider taking his act on the road. Much love to you both.

  3. Mavis

    I get the honor of seeing the Thriller every day. What a change!!! I truly believe that prayers are being answered. I’ve seen him on his bad days, and let me tell you, this day was a blessing!! He accomplished more before 10 in the morning than I did all day! :-) We love you both and will keep fighting right along side of you.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It was a good day, wasn’t it!? And today, he’s already been to the grocery and vacuumed out his car. Crazy!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank you, Laura — your prayers and messages (and your beautiful card!) mean so much to Team Thriller!

  4. Darice

    What a GREAT update…these are the days that make the others fade quickly. Much love and continued prayers…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We want to continue to concentrate on those good days, Darice. We’re hoping to have many more!

  5. Heidi Frey

    “Team thriller” has a winning attitude and that helps with everything. Stay positive and filled with joy of the little gifts each day, may God continue giving you strength through this journey.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Heidi. I know you know firsthand what we’re going through. We appreciate those prayers — we plan to keep hope alive!


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