Deeper meaning

What must it be like, going to basic training? It’s nothing like sleep-away camp, I’m certain. Unless you’re the Thriller. Here’s a story.

He still calls his basic training at Naval Station Great Lakes “Boy Scout Camp.” Coming from a difficult adolescence (he and his step-father had some issues, as is often the case in those situations) and wanting to break free, he was ready for anything that might help  him “get out of there.” The Navy offered him a ticket to independence, and after graduating high school in 1969, he went for it. He repeatedly enlisted, and served a total of eight years.

I say here today, as I said on Facebook this morning: thank you to the Thriller, for your years of service to your country. While he was shorebound (a jet aircraft mechanic), his service was integral to the cause.

There is a deeper issue that I wonder about with regard to our servicemen and women. It takes some real mental fortitude to deal with the possibility of dying a violent death — not to mention the loneliness, uncertainty, and utter despair they must certainly feel at times. It is no wonder that some people return from war and are never the same. So the deeper meaning here today is that soldiers/sailors/airmen don’t just go off to war, do the job and come back to parades. They willingly alter their lives — sometimes permanently — defending tens of millions of people they will never meet. For that, I salute them all. You have more courage than I can imagine.

Yay for our vets! Share a shout-out in the comments today if you love a veteran, too.

8 thoughts on “Deeper meaning

  1. Mavis

    I thanked the Thriller on FB, too. I also thank my son, Jeremy, for his courageous service in Afghanistan. There were several phone calls where he would say, “not sure I’ll make it through this particular mission, so I wanted to say I love you, Mom.” The months he was there were terrifying for me, but I can’t even imagine how it was for him. I’m thankful to God that he made it back safely. It definitely changed his life forever, though. I’m also thankful for our military everywhere. The courage it takes just to enlist, is worthy of praise in itself. So, thanks so much to all the men and women who serve!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Beautifully spoken, Mave! I remember you getting those calls from Jerm…I can’t even imagine. But he came home a hero, and I appreciate him! (Now when are we going to see his sorry carcass over the holidays????)

  2. PKPudlin

    What a coincidence! I was born at that Naval Base while my dad was in submarine training. He played French horn in the band, too. ‘Course it was a few years before the Thriller’s arrival, but we won’t go there, now will we?

    While my daughter was in boot camp for the Air Force, she wasn’t able to communicate with anyone except for a few minutes every 10 days or so. She said the letters from home kept her going. I’m so proud of her!

    It’s only appropriate that we set aside a day to thank our veterans and military service people to celebrate their service and sacrifice. Somehow, saying ‘Thank You’ doesn’t seem like enough to convey our collective debt and appreciation to these brave people.

    My hat is off to them!


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I knew this! Seems we talked about your Great Lakes connection a long, long time ago. And a huge thanks to your daughter for her service!

  3. Lori

    I don’t know many veterans personally. My dad served before I was born for a very short time and hated every minute. That said, I’m still very thankful for those I never knew who fought to bring, restore, or protect freedom– not just for American citizens but millions on millions around the world and throughout history.

    I pray that we never have to look back and lament that we should have done more or fought harder, or appreciated more greatly the freedoms that we “had.”

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I’m with you, Lori. I worry about our future every day. Truthfully, I hope we can get down to the business of healing our own country. Bring ’em all back from over there.

  4. Suzanne

    My dad was in the Air Force, stationed in Biloxi. My step-sis and her husband were both in the Army Field Band and are now enjoying a mighty fine retirement. :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I’ve always wondered how cool it would be to do that for a living. A guy I went to high school with has played with the Army band for decades…how fun!


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