Delay #2

Hoo-ee. I’m tired as a one-legged man in an…

Another two-hour delay; except this time, I’m hoping for the all-out cancellation. Lots to do today, and I’d love to have some extra time. Extra time — we’re always after it, aren’t we? We chase the bright, elusive butterfly of enhanced productivity.

I read somewhere that I have no right to complain about not having enough time in my day, because didn’t Albert Einstein and Louis Pasteur only have 24 hours, just like me? Yabbut…ah well, nevermind.

The Dinner Theatre soul-sucking has begun, but actually, I had a lot of fun at rehearsal last night. This Just. Might. Work.

Happy Finkday. It’s here at last! Tonight, BFF Kay and Bob come for dinner and a movie. I’d love to have all day to get chores done, shop and cook something fun. But of course, NOBODY ever does what I want…

6 thoughts on “Delay #2

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well you could choose Louis Pasteur as easily as you chose Tom Hanks, but somehow it just wouldn’t be “you.” :-)

      And we’re watching Prince Caspian tonight — I’ve never seen it!

      1. Tom Hanks

        Haha, yeah I would hate to pretend to be someone I’m not. I’ve only seen the first Narnia movie. You’ll have to let me know how this one is. I’m also looking forward to hearing what you think of “Amelie” whenever you get to watch it.

        1. Rat Fink Post author

          *LOTS* of battle scenes — a little too many for my taste. Bob and I were like, “OK, we GET IT. They’re fighting.” But again, the imagery (both visual and allegorical) was wonderful to watch. We’re going to try to catch Dawn Treader in the theater before it falls out of circulation.

  1. Hannah

    Your a teacher so when you have students in your class room, they Have to listen to you, My mom tells her kids that she is the dictator in her rooms and no one is aloud to argue with her…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Indeed, Hannah. The point (especially with classes that number 40, 50, 60 and 70 students) is you can’t let anything get out of hand. Everyone who knows me knows I’m a pussycat — except when I’m standing behind that piano. Can’t let the inmates run the asylum! :-)


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