Sorry for the lack of finkiness today, luvs. Spent all my morning time reading about the Mangini issue. Blah! Now I’m running late…
Mas tarde.
Sorry for the lack of finkiness today, luvs. Spent all my morning time reading about the Mangini issue. Blah! Now I’m running late…
Mas tarde.
Chuck Mangini? *sNOrt*
HA — At first I was like, “huh?” Then I went OHHHHHH Chuck MANGIONE! I git it! I git it!

*giggle* guess I should google Mangini and see what you were reading about that took you away from us for a day…
Well I’ll tell ya — if you Google “Mangini” and “Cleveland Browns,” that’ll pretty much narrow it down! (Yes, I’m up at 2 a.m.)