One of my former students posted a video on Facebook last night. I usually don’t click on every vid link I see, but this one is unbelievable. Behold:
From what I understand, the video has gone completely viral, so you’ve probably already seen it. If Hollywood doesn’t come calling for this guy’s pipes, they’re nuttier than I thought. Apparently, Columbus may be helping him soon.
What I wouldn’t give for a vox like that!
What I wouldn’t give to have slept last night…yark.
I am not sure but I *think* I just heard on the Dutch news that he has gotten a job inOhio somewhere??? As a sports announcer??
Well it was on the Cleveland news a couple nights ago that the Cavaliers approached him with a job offer. We’ll see!
Having been in drug rehab with people who frequently used to ‘fly signs’ I can say that if he doesn’t get a job don’t worry too much about him- even without the gimmick, they generally don’t do too badly.
Someday I am going to request an intense interview with you about your time in rehab. Would you ever consent?
Of course, name the time. Technically I went three rounds, lots of material.