So, six days in, how are your New Years Resolutions going? I must tell you I’m not altogether disappointed with my dissociation with the morning coffee routine. You should have seen the look of shock on Jake’s face (Jake my 18-year-old student, not my grandson) when I revealed to the high school choir in conversation yesterday that I had pretty much given up coffee. By the time my students are seniors, they’ve seen me with quite a few coffee mugs in my hand and sitting on the keyboard in my classroom.
And the cool thing about this rezzy is that it’s not prohibitive. I’m not “giving up” coffee. I’m just giving up having it be the first thought on my mind when I get up in the morning. I’ll still spend the lovely Starbucks gift card that BFF Kay and Bob got me for Christmas. I’ll still meet RD when he’s in town so we can solve the problems of the world over a latte. I’ll still have a cluck with Mavis over coffee while we’re cooking. When I meet Bando or Meg at Panera, I’ll drink a joe. And I will definitely tear into that bag of vanilla Dunkin’ Donuts brew that Justin and Jakey got Grammie for Christmas.
It’s just not the boss of me anymore.
Do you ever think about an item or activity and say, “I wish I didn’t have to do this.” It’s a slippery slope…the “having to” versus the “choosing to.” That’s what morning coffee was to me, and now I’m choosing to stop depending on it. My massive cut-down on eating stuff with processed flour & sugar is going pretty well, too. What’s up with this following-through business? Perhaps I have a fever…
Maybe I’ll go make some coffee.
I switched to decaf when I was pregnant – that was the worst part of my pregnancies. Morning sickness – no prob. Weight gain, bloated feeling, swollen feet – piece of cake. Decaf coffee- just let me die now. That’s probably why I have 2 kids and not 3.
Good for you and congrats on your first 6 days of success! Only 359 left to go!

Ya know…I’d rather drink something else than drink decaf. HORK
I guess I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it hasn’t really bugged me at all. I don’t miss it. I did have a lingering headache for a couple days, but outside of that, it’s been surprisingly easy! Maybe it’s because I’ve told myself I don’t have to give up coffee altogether, but rather just in the morning every day and every day. But hey, on to Day 7 and we’ll see!
PS – Congrats on the LLC status — YAY!!!!
Ironically as I read your blog I am drinking my second cup of the morning…and the morning is not over.
*High five* to your success so far. Maybe someday I too will be able to quit. Maybe.
Well Meg, I’m not one of those people who think that coffee is altogether dangerous to your health. Now if you drank two POTS instead of 2-3 cups in the morning, that would be a concern! I think what bothered me more is feeling like I had to make the coffee before I could do anything else. Ain’t nothin’ the boss of me.
We need to get together again soon!