Last night, the Thriller and I were supposed to double-check the itinerary for our upcoming National Parks Odyssey, but we got sidetracked by other things. No problem; I have the next 19 school days to think about it.
Nineteen. But I’m not counting, regardless of the post title. We’re on the home stretch, that’s all that matters.
You know, I never used to be a day counter. I once had a colleague who would come in on the very first day of school and announce to anyone within earshot, “Welp! Only 179 days left!” It made my skin crawl. I thought violent thoughts.
But here I find myself counting the days. Could it be because I’m getting o*d? Or just fagged out? Maybe I just need to bake Chocodoodles and be Grammie.
And travel. Don’t forget the travel part. Can’t wait!
Man, I need to jack up my material. It’s been a ghost town here lately. Just me & PK, shootin’ the bull. Perhaps it’s time for another round robin story.
You know, there were a lot of signs that led to what was ultimately my teaching demise, but counting was the second biggest one. I was never a backwards counter. I always looked forward; 2 weeks till the next symphony concert, 1 1/2 weeks until rehearsals start, 1 1/2 weeks and 3 hours till we’re all at the bar. The thing that struck me in a room of also-cynics, we didn’t usually discuss the previous rehearsal, but what was coming “next”. So when we all met around one September, they said “How are you?”… and I responded “168 days”… it was a *DING DING DING* moment. ‘Twas all very sad, actually.
Now, if you’re in the teen digits… that doesn’t count.
I am indeed, luv!
Ah, here they are…
I was a “day counter” but didn’t really start the countdown until the 1st of March–then the days were marked on the calendar. The year I retired I posted a full-years worth of months on my office wall and “X’d” out each day as they passed. It didn’t really make the year any shorter but it made my devious mind enjoy the fact that there was a light at the end of the tunnel!
Well the year I retire (whenever that is), I plan to have a life-size calendar in my room, and one of those great big fat markers — you know the ones. Enormous “X” every day, starting in August!
I’ve been AWOL…no excuses…wallowing in my employment limbo-ness. I’ll try & be better (esp. since I seem to have a bit of extra time on my hands)
As for Chocodoodles, I’m dying for a sampler pack LOL
Do you have the version made with Splenda so I can make a veiled attempt at staying on my good eating habits? Seriously, I wonder how using the cooking Splenda would affect texture, baking time, etc?? I’ve recently discovered a froyo place that has NSA (no sugar added – but uses Splenda) strawberry/banana flavor that is OUT of this WORLD! And yesterday I found a 5″ NSA lemon meringue at the grocery store, so I brought that sucker home for a test-drive as well. Tre YUMMIE!!
(Is all that sufficiently off-topic for you)

So sorry to hear about the limbo, doll. If we can brighten up your day here, we surely will try.
You know…I haven’t thought of doing SF Chocodoodles, but perhaps Hannah and I should give it a go! I’ve had sugar-free cakes before (made with Splenda and Equal), and they’re not bad. It might be worth a try with a sugar-free cake mix. Now you got my curiosity up…
That said, my Chocodoodles should only be around 90 calories per serving. (Did I mention we’ve changed the recipe to cake truffles?)
Aaahhhh…OK, so I’m a few days late and a little slow on the uptake, but it’s May, and I’m overwhelmed with…getting my kids to complete their projects…prepping for the OAA…making sure my kids pass my subject for the year…dealing with a little too much daily drama…dealing with a grant I’m on….and I admit…almost counting the days.
I was never a day counter either…and I’m not officially one yet (was surprised that we were down to 19). However, I’m mighty close…mighty close.
It’s a wonderful job. The good moments are amazing…wonderful…awe inspiring…and infrequent! Hang in there, girl. We’ll make it to the end!