
What a delightful evening last night. Awesome Mothers Day party. It was great to see everyone (although unfortunately, Simone and Jon weren’t able to be there).

As usual, there was wanton silliness, and no shortage of hugs and photo ops.

My favorite boys in the world (Lars, Jakey, and #1 Son Seamus)

with Helen (and the rainbow sherbet)

Jakey and Grandpa's garden gloves

with Hannah (grandson #2 due any day now)

Playing an alphabet game (kid is good)

Jakey Ray Vaughan

Jakey Van Cliburn

Awesome gifts - and a Cavs t-shirt too

Off to the school house for the final week of rehearsals before the concert craziness starts. Still debating whether or not to make them all stand the whole time this week…we’ll see what kind of mood I’m in when I get there. Heh heh. It’s good to be da queen.


PS – Hey, if you’ve a mind to, root for the Cavaliers tonight please and thank you

12 thoughts on “Fantástico

  1. Suzanne

    Great pics!!!!!!! It was great to see everyone and OMG that pic of Jakey at the piano — he looks like you!!

    I hope you made everyone stand the whole time… *hehehehe*

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Suzi! You are the first one (or maybe second…I think one of my middle school students said it, too) to say that Jake looks like me. I will take that compliment, girlfriend!

      And garsh-and-begorrah…I let them sit down yesterday, and rehearsal went extremely well. Hmmm. Should I try it again today and see if it was all a mistake??

  2. RD

    Thanks for sharing the fun pics. I enjoyed each and everyone. Surely Jake will be a musician! I’m glad that you had a terrific Mother’s Day. Does Dunkins make decaf? :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank you RD! Good to “see” you here again. I will definitely let you know when Grandson #2 arrives! (And unfortunately, I’ve never seen it at the store…I know they have it at DD proper, but you know me — I ain’t interested in decaf anyways, so I wouldn’t know!)

  3. BoomR

    GREAT PICS!! And yes – li’l Jake @ the piano does bear a striking resemblance to madame RF. Wish I could have been there to help you celebrate!

  4. Stein

    In leu of our conversation yesterday… Y’all’s gots da same face! I think it’s great to see the family resemblance all the way down to your lil’ prodigy there.


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