Finkday at last.

Aren’t you happy? Me too. I have random thoughts this day.

  • I have chained myself to the sofa this whole weekend so I can get some Birdie stuff done before my cohort pulls out her (and my) hair. Looking forward to the show, but not to a lot of the insanity that precedes it.
  • Mac people: Three things I miss from the PC side are the “Home” key, the “End” key, and the Delete key that allows you to delete characters from the left. I use those three functions all the time; is there a workaround, or something really obvious I’m missing? I yearn to learn, but I’m too lazy to research it right at the moment.
  • Kristen, one of our regular Finkville fiends, started her own blog. Check it out here and leave her some love. (Samuel…no post since May? Sheesh.)
  • I’m worried about BoomR’s company’s reorganization plan.
  • The Thriller was accepted into the Masters in Clinical Counseling program at the seminary — yay! He starts classes in October. Now he can practice his psychoanalysis skills on me.
  • Mavis is an awesome sis. I had some doctorin’ to do yesterday (all day, actually) and she was there with/for me every minute.
  • Friday is our usual Jake sleepover. We can’t have it tonight and I am sad.
  • What are your plans for the weekend? Something fun?

All right. Back to the Birdie DVD. Stoney reads RtB and she will know that I am goofing off instead of working. And I’m a-skeered of Stoney. Can I get an Amen, students??

Fink out.

18 thoughts on “Finkday at last.

  1. Mavis

    You are worth every second and more, my Finkster. You’re my sis, and I love you.

    We’re all proud of the Thriller! If he needs any test subjects…I’m available. ;o)

    Love you both!


  2. PKPudlin

    A few of my own Finkday random thoughts:
    1. I’ve REALLY been enjoying the 3-day work week during the summer. Hate the thought of going back to 5 :(
    2. The 09-10 season for Schola Cantorum of Raleigh is coming together FINALLY. The only thing worse than knowing is not knowing.
    3. Next weekend I’ll be at the NC Eastern Diocese Music Conference. Four days of singing at the beach. Can’t wait!

    Congrats on the Thriller’s new adventure – tell him I said ‘Break a Leg!’.


  3. BoomR

    Silly PC Gurl… you didn’t think to shoot me a little boid choip & ask if I knew about your “missing keys” on the Mac?

    (side note: Desktop Mac users and those who buy the extended USB Mac keyboard for their laptops actually **do** have the keys for which you yearn)

    See that teeny-weeny little “Fn” key down in the lower left? It’s MAGICAL! Hold that down, then press the “MacDelete” key (which I vote should be re-labeled “Backspace”) and you get the “Delete” function for which your heart longs and aches :-)

    Fn + left arrow = Home; Fn + right arrow = End; Fn + up arrow = page up; Fn + right arrow + page down.

    Congrats to the white gloved one! he can practice on me, too in October :-) BTW, I just finished feeding my studio Mac all the DVDs for the new Logic 9 update. I’m gonna check it out shortly & if it’s as cool as I think, maybe you can bribe your school’s computer gal with some chocolate cake to get you the upgrade version :-)

    B to the oomR

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ah-ha! Thank you, Mac Master Po! Grasshopper is grateful.

      And I’m afraid all the chocolate cake on earth couldn’t get my district to spend another red cent on me…as much as I might be sooooo worth it. :-) Nevertheless, I will ask!

  4. Kodye

    BYE BYE BIRDIE?!?!?! I must say, it’s about time that SCHS gets to do the single greatest musical of all time again. I’m just jealous that these kids will get a real band to play with them instead of a CD, even though that CD did sound VERY realistic. Much like real band would sound, I suppose. :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yeah Kody…we wanted to do it up right. Not that last time wasn’t right – but we were kind of hogtied by the accompaniment track. Ms. Stoney has a big jump on what she wants to do — it’s going to be fun, I think.

  5. RD

    Congrats to the Thriller on being accepted at the seminary. I’m thrilled that this has worked out for him. And, Fink, I’m glad the doctoring thing has worked out well for you! Thanks to Mavis for being there for you throughout.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yep friend — every day gets better! I am going to be back to my mean old self any day now, much to the consternation of my students. Heh. I hope you’ve enjoyed your Florida respite!


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