…come on, get happy.
Actually, I was just looking for an excuse to use Mr. Happy Dancing Hat. Hoo-ee, he’s gettin’ a workout this morning.
Some RNFs for your Monday:
- The Thriller’s home town for 20-odd years got some national press this morning. Um, OK.
- Wanna make a dynamite breakfast smoothie? Combine a big handful of strawberries, a few chunks of pineapple, some vanilla Greek yogurt, a tablespoon each of ground flax seed and chopped pecans, and a bit of coconut milk. Makes about 1 and 1/4 cups of deliciousness. It’s the smoothie you eat. Bam.
- Confession: I’m addicted to this. Just gotta carve out some time for it.
- Cause for much happiness: T-minus four days until Mavis and I hit the road for a mini-Odyssey to our family reunion in beautiful Winthrop Harbor, home of the largest marina on the Great Lakes. This is our mother’s side, and we plan to spend some fun hours with aunts, uncles and cousins. As many of you know, our mother was the eldest of nine children born to Doyle and Evelyn Martin. While four have passed on (Mother, and her brothers Glenn, Fred and Dan), we’re looking forward to reconnecting and relaxing with the rest of the family. A side trip to our childhood home in Waukegan is also planned. Fun!
I hope your 4th of July holiday was relaxing, if you’re in the States. Big hugs of condolence go across the sea to RtB fiend Suzanne, on the passing of her 18-year-old furkid, Chevy (“the Famous American Cat”).
Have a great Monkday — I’m off to tear apart the parlor.
PS — Is Happy Dancing Hat annoying you yet?
Isn’t great to have a smoothie you can *eat*?! Love it.
I’m really looking forward to our trip to the Harbor. It’s going to be such fun seeing everyone!
I’m going to hang it up now. Mr. Happy Dancing Hat is making me nuts.
I also want to say how sorry I am to hear about Chevy. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Suzanne, and your hubby.
Good grief. I *meant* to say that it IS great to have a smoothie you can eat. My brain is out to lunch today. *sigh*
My brain totally finished that sentence with the “it” in it. Funny! And don’t beat yerself up about missing one two-letter word — there are much bigger things (like Chicago traffic) that we need to worry about, missy! haha
You and Mavis have a fantastic time…I have people in the Southern part of Cheeseland you need any help…holler!
Happy Dancing Top Hat does not need to be seen again…ever!
You got people in M’waukee? That’s my old stompin’ grounds!
Aww thanks Fiend and Sistah of Fiend
Not feelin’ the Mr. Happy Dance right now. In addition to Chevy leaving us it’s back to work for me today. Phooey! End of a pretty good vaykay.
Have a good time at the fambily reunion, I see lots of gabfests in your future!
Indeed we do! And I have a feeling that given some time to grieve and truly say I’ll see you again, the sun will come out again in your heart, and there’ll be room for maybe more kitties…
Love you, Suzi!