“Some Things Simply Must Be Seen to Be Believed” Division:
Russian singers from the 70s — awesome. Russian singers lip-synching a vocalise on Soviet television, complete with gorgeous set tricked out in week-old mustard-colored backdrop and tattered fence-like apparatus — incomparable.
Watch it twice. It’s Finkday, after all. Treat yourself.
The least you could have done was posted the Russian translation of the lyrics so I know what the heck he’s singing about! Cripes! [[ducking – again]]
Happy Belated Birthday to RtB!! I LUV Yew!! **SMEWCH**
B to the oomR

Ya nutjob! LOL
Thanks, friend — it’s been fun, and I’m probably gonna hang on for another year or so…or until I run out of things to say. (NOT BLOODY LIKELY)
OK…so as I was taking a shower right after I wrote that, I found myself singing one of the phrases. Been stuck in my head all day. @#$% YOU, GURL!
Well, heck, those darned Russians stole my set idea for Dinner Theatre 2011!!!
Hahaha — I triple-dog dare ya!
This is the greatest thing Soviet television has ever produced.
Absolutely. Brilliant!
It’s Russia’s version of Lawrence Welk!
Wow you could hardly tell he was lip-synching! He was gooo-oood!