6:45 a.m. edit:
Thanks to all who have emailed and asked “what’s wrong?”. Just a long night is all…Like I said, my mind wanders. Nothing serious, anyhow. No worries.
6:45 a.m. edit:
Thanks to all who have emailed and asked “what’s wrong?”. Just a long night is all…Like I said, my mind wanders. Nothing serious, anyhow. No worries.
Hey, you know your RtB fans support you. Plus you’ve got everyone here at good old country school, USA.
OK I’ll take your word for it that it’s nothing serious
(((hugs))) from across the pond 
…and lots more ((((HUGS))) from the Big D!!
Will more emergency chocolate or DD coffee help????
Aw…thanks everyone. I heart you all! The day has gotten a bit better. Just a long haul on some things, ya know how that is? Hey Boom Boom – BluVox checked that there email yet??

Did you not get an email reply from BV yet? I’ve asked, but the reply I got was one of those faux-innocent looks followed by, “What are you talking about? What email from RF?” *wink* *wink*
Why yes…I did get the reply!
I hate missing the big deals . . . I am glad things are okay
Thanks sweety. Girlfriend just needs a little drama once’t in awhile, ya know??