…for another ka-razy week. But first — the Thing With No Face.
Do you just love that fall is coming? That’s one of the things I like about living in the Midwest. October doesn’t feel like July (even though this week in September will feel like June). So, what’s on the Big List this week?
- More recording — yes, I got everything working relatively well on the new beast. I am learning as I go, so hopefully the tenth project won’t be as clumsy as the first.
- The callouses from practicing violin and ukulele (for my step-daughter’s wedding and Dinner Theatre, respectively) are coming alone fine. I should be ready by October/November, if I keep practicing.
- Getting four new tires mounted on the Finkmobile this Friday, just in time to take off for Chicago. Have I mentioned there are about seven other things I’d rather buy with that $300?
- Hoping Brandon Weeden is over his rookie jitters by Sunday. But hey, at least we’re not alone in the loss column. Heh. A little schadenfreude to start off the week.
Have I also mentioned that election day cannot get here soon enough? I’m not one of those people who freaks out at all the political posts on Facebook. Facebook is a personal forum, and people’s political leanings — for good or ill — are often intensely personal. If you don’t like them, there’s always the option to hide someone’s posts until it’s safe to come out again. It’s all in the interest of freedom of expression, so I say gofrit and have your say. I am delighted that we have the freedom to do that. Still, I’ll be happy when things calm down. I’ve seen some major acrimony between friends along political party lines, as if either side would ever be swayed by hearing the other’s argument. More ka-razy. But march on, brother. It’s your right to be passionate about your beliefs — and a shame that more people aren’t.
And now it is time to hit the road, Jack(son). The jury is still out with regard to how I feel about 85 seventh- and eighth-graders first thing in the morning, but I’m fortunate to have this great job and to work with awesome fiends. I’m still mad about the tires, though. 

Love the “Thing With No Face”!
I think Fall is my favorite time of year, especially here in the North. I can’t wait for all the leaves to change colors!
Like your hope for Brandon Weeden – I hope the Packers get down to business!
I hope and pray you have a banner year, Lindabird! I’m looking forward to DT and the musical. Have you and Stoney decided what that will be, yet?
Ugh, we have not!! We’re perusing Footloose and Damn Yankees. Both good shows, but one will definitely be more doable than the other. We won’t know till we look through the script and score. I hate this decision making garbage! HA
I know you love the fall — you’d live in an igloo if you had the choice!!
Personally, I think Footloose and Grease are, ya know…. similar. Very different and great in their own respects, but similar. Damn Yankees I like because it’s a little weird, different… and makes me laugh! My car that I had when I was a teacher, your second-most “favorite” person in S-ville named it “Lola” because the car would back talk me if I tried to add contacts to the internal phone while in drive. She always got what she wanted! Since I got rid of that car, for a multitude of reasons, I named the new one “Layla”.
Anyway. I vote for Damn Yankees.
That’s good to know. I told some parents after a meeting last night that I don’t want to be the school that’s known for doing one jukebox musical after another, you know? That just makes me all ooky, and it doesn’t honor the art form or the tradition of Broadway.
I think they may have disagreed with me on some levels, but I think they saw my point. The two shows (F and G) are definitely similar, and it’s like eating dessert all the time, but missing the meat and veggies. I dunno…I think some people in the community will have as hard a time with the Devil and the title of the show as anything. Very delicate for some, but I can’t live my life worrying about offending 20 people…or can I?
Thanks for your input, it means a lot — hope you’re doing well!