Not to Christmas, mind (although I am reeeeally looking forward to Christmas Eve when the fam will be here), but to Christmas break. I know, I know. “Teacher, quit rubbin’ it in,” say all my private sector fiends. Go ahead, I can take it, and I likely deserve it.
However, not all will be feet up on the sofa and sleeping in and watching TV and hanging out.
There’s Joseph in the distance, ya know. Oy.
But let’s not think about that right now. First item of biz is to get through the next three days. Friday is Pecan Day at the Fink house — more fun with Christmas goodies. I hope all my family will be healed of the horrible plague that’s gone around almost everyone’s house over the last few weeks (the poor Js and their parents have been through the wringer for five days now). There’s celebrating to be done.
I hope you’re all gearing up for your individual get-togethers. Are you getting excited about them? Now’s the time to start that happy nonsense.
Best news of the day? My shaggy hair gets chopped and coiffed tonight. Yikes, ’bout time y’all.
Happy Tunesday! Listen to some happy tunes today.
Fink, to the school house and beyond
Had a blast on “Chocolate Day”, and am gearing up for “Pecan Day”! Now all we need is some snow to go with our Christmas!
Well, we might get some snow on Christmas Night, looks like…but probably none for Pecan Day, bummer! Still looking forward to it — we will be all kindsa nutty!