Remember Crispin Glover, who played George McFly in 1985’s Back to the Future ?
Well, Crispin is now a writer and director. Oh, and a wackjob. Don’t forget wackjob. I triple-dog dare you to sit through this interview without wanting to gouge out your eyes with a melon baller.
Especially freakish (and equally as disjointed) is his answer to the fan question, “Why did you cast actors with Down Syndrome in a movie that isn’t about Down Syndrome?”
In case you don’t want to endure the actual video, imagine yourself in a situation which, unfortunately, many of us find all too familiar: You ask a person a simple question, and fifteen minutes later….
Gives new meaning to the phrase, That’s twenty minutes out of my life I’ll never get back.
Fink (running) out (into the street, screaming).
Crispin Glover – a taboo concept.