8 thoughts on “I just realized…

  1. BoomR

    GUUUuuurll… You are NOT older than the president! You are older than the President ELECT!! Don’t scare me like that!

    Wait… **I’m** older than you – Now I’m really depressed. Where’s the chocolate leftover from Halloween?

    Boom…Boom…Boom…let’s go back to my room…

  2. BoomR

    LOL! That’ll teach me to use characters that are reserved for HTML code!! The first sentence of my previous post never appeared because I made the mistake of using the “” characters! I was TRYING to preface the first sentence of my post by saying:

    (…using my best Shirley Q. Liquor voice….)

  3. mathman

    well at your age you should get used to thing like that happening. (I am going to be 32 at he end of the month, I still cannot even run for President)

  4. Mathew Conger

    Meh he’s a young-un anyway. :D I’d imagine much of Greenwich is up in arms about the whole deal…ha ha. Cleveland is, not surprisingly, ecstatic.

    Also if you know what the Pandora music website is, I discovered that they have a Doo-Wop channel. It is awesome.

  5. Rat Fink Post author

    Ha…many of my fiends came out to play on this post!

    Mathew – I haven’t heard much from the Greenwich folks, mostly because my head’s been buried in this show. I can tell you that many around the world are happy. And Pandora.com — I have it on the Sinatra/Crosby/Martin/Como station 24/7 over the holidays – great stuff!

    Boom Boom – I was just going to mail you this morning and ask where you been, henny…and yes, you ARE older than the Fink – I’ll take every day of those 2 months you were on the earth before me!

    Mathman – you will now change your nickname to Deadman. I will visit you this very day. Prepare to die.

    PK – I hear ya, lassie. Hey – you back at it @ BU yet?

    Stein – you will now change your nickname to Squeaky. HAAA that was awesome last night in the pit…

  6. Stein

    Fink…. t’was possibly THE WORST time for that to happen. Unfortunately we had already gone through the “together, good AND poor” segment as well as the deskirting.


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