I hope you like more things as the days go by, luv. It’s hard, but you’ll get there. Just look puppy in his lovable eyes, give him a big hug (preferably when he’s dry) and things will start to look up. You are loved!!
Thanks, Boom Boom. I’m looking forward to a major mind-clearing drive. Seventies classic rock on the Sirius, and the open road. Yippy! And the countdown to Dallas continues!
HA who got the wettest?? When we would give Sasha a bath (also lots of hair) we were just as wet if not more than she was!!
Dig this — the Thriller gets *in* the shower with him, gives him his bath, then finishes by taking a shower himself. ROFL
I hope you like more things as the days go by, luv. It’s hard, but you’ll get there. Just look puppy in his lovable eyes, give him a big hug (preferably when he’s dry) and things will start to look up. You are loved!!
You know that’s right, Mavis. I get happier with each passing day.
Puppy will be especially clingy this morning. He hates it when the suitcases come out. Thank you for taking care of him today!
Nothing better than a clean dog. This weekend is LONG overdue doggie spa day
hang in there, kiddo! xoxoxox
Thanks, Boom Boom. I’m looking forward to a major mind-clearing drive. Seventies classic rock on the Sirius, and the open road. Yippy! And the countdown to Dallas continues!
Ew. Wet dog.
Mmmmm yummyyyyy