It was fifty years ago today

(Actually, 9 February will be “that” date, but I wanted to be among the first to title a post with what will likely become the most overused phrase of 2014. Heh.) Fifty years ago come February, the world changed.

I just bought my twenty-somethingth book on the Beatles. Do I have a problem? No, I can quit anytime I want. I mean it.

Over coffee this morning, I’ve walked down Memory Lane and watched some great videos on the Fabs. Here’s one my fellow crusties will like, with the Lads doing a Buddy Holly tune underneath some new animation. Put it on full-screen view.

All right, time to get bizzy. Much music to write today. My life is rhythm section parts. Have I mentioned that I love Christmas, but it’s the lead-up to it that makes me crazy? Shooting for the 18th. If we make it to that morning, it’s all good from there.

Until January, of course.


Happy weekend, fiends!

3 thoughts on “It was fifty years ago today

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      And isn’t it funny how *so* many people’s favorite songs are that one (gorgeous) and “Something” — both written and performed by George.

      Awesome! I always/never have a definite favorite Fabs song. Rather, it seems I have a different one every day. Today’s is this.



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