…”Gee, I wish I’d thought of this first” ?
There are a ton more of these. Can you think of any? Better yet, can you think of some that haven’t yet been invented, then tell me in my ear? Your secret will be safe with me, I promise.
OMG! Those silly bandz are EVERYwhere. One of my students felt sorry for me because I didn’t have any so she gave me one of a pair of 8th notes. So now I’m part of the ‘IN’ crowd.
I actually did come up with an idea about safely disposing of used/broken needles and pins and other sharp items in the sewing room. I submitted it to a sewing website and they liked it so much they incorporated it into their book, which will be published in September. I will receive a portion of the royalty check, so I’m almost famous….
Well how cool is this, sister? That’s awesome. So do I need to buy the book to hear about your idea (I will, you know), or can you tell us all right here in front of God & everyone?
You can read all about my idea here: http://sewing.patternreview.com/cgi-bin/review/readreview.pl?ID=1003
But buy the book anyway. All the proceeds go towards Breast Cancer research. It will hit the shelves in September, but Amazon has it on (reduced price) pre-sale here:
Here’s a better link for the pre-sale book:
That is awesome. I will do this! Hey, yer famous. Heh. And your idea makes perfect sense.
I can’t believe that you didn’t list the Slap Chop! LOL
*slapping head* Of course! And I have a Slap Chop, you know. Oh wait, you were there — of course you know!
….and Chia Pets!
I didn’t have a Pet Rock either. Or a chia pet. Or seahorses you could order from the back of Mad magazine and bring to life.
Me neither, Soozy. We were both depraved on accounta we wuz deprived.
Still kinda depraved.