Just deserts

And by “deserts,” I don’t mean “an arid expanse of sand-covered land”; nor am I referring to strawberry pies (which, btw, would be spelled “desserts”). Rather, I’m talking about somebody getting what he deserves: his just (righteous and fair) deSERTS (punishments or rewards).

Isn’t English ridiculous? Right, I’m straying off topic. As Holmes and Watson said in the movie the other night: Let’s crack on

He’s nobody’s love slave.

Jer Bear is in serious trouble, that is for sure. Even if he’s found not guilty, he will suffer repercussions for the rest of his life. There are those who would wish (and have done so, publicly and repeatedly) terrible circumstances on him if he goes to prison — of the “being made someone’s concubine” variety. How many times have you seen something to that effect when reading about the conviction and sentencing of a child predator? I hope he gets put in a cell with a psychopathic lifer named Bruno, who…

Many folks want to see the same suffering exacted on the perp as he or she visited upon the children. It’s true that child molesters are vilified more than any other criminal in prisons — which is precisely why Sandusky, if convicted and sentenced, will also be carefully protected. That was an a-ha moment for me, because my first gut reaction was why should he be spared?

According to The Daily Beast, that’s not the way things run, and after reading the article last night, I must say I’m in agreement. Columnist Mansfield Frazier says:

[S]ince prison officials know that sex offenders would be subjected to brutal treatment at the hands of other prisoners if placed in the general population, for years now those inmates have been segregated. For their own safety, they’re placed in correctional institutions with other sex offenders, the aged, and the disabled. Sandusky, if sentenced to prison, would spend all his time . . .with prisoners who perhaps were convicted of crimes even more despicable than those he’s being accused of.

Moreover, regardless of the less-than-stellar reputation that prison wardens are saddled with (primarily due to exaggerations in the movies), most subscribe to the following maxim where their charges are concerned: You are here as punishment, not for punishment. If you ruminate on that, you’ll see the sense in it. What could be worse than going to prison and having one’s most basic freedoms yanked away — in some cases, for a long, long time? Sure, there’s the argument that you get three squares a day, free TV/internet, and free education at taxpayer expense, but really: for someone like Sandusky (and countless others who have families and grandchildren and who enjoy the comforts of a free existence), it’s tantamount to a death sentence.

Of course there are people with no hope, no family, no conscience, or highly dysfunctional lives — or all of the above — who would see prison as a joyride. Every society has those, I reckon. But for otherwise “regular” people who want to do things like go to the store or the casino or the library or church or out for a boat ride with the family? They are miserable, punished and desperate in prison as it isNo need for piling on.

Additionally, there is a legal angle (isn’t there always?) of which prison wardens have to be wary:

Beginning in the early 1990s, prisoners around the country started filing (and in many cases, winning) class-action lawsuits against departments of corrections, directors, and wardens over the conditions of their confinement. And gradually, things behind bars changed. The fact that prison authorities have a duty to protect prisoners is now well established, and no state wants to risk paying out huge sums or having to tie up legal staffers defending such actions.

So, as Frazier states, no warden or prison official in his right mind is going to fail to perform his duty to protect such a notorious prisoner as Sandusky would be. It’s far easier to just do the job by the books, and leave the judging to the judges.

Wise words. And so my mind is changed.

Hey, it’s Monkday — time to visit the school house, where the sound equipment guy is going to come to my classroom and install my new PreSonus StudioLive Digital Mixer. Yaaaaah HOO! A good day to all my wunnerful fiends.


11 thoughts on “Just deserts

  1. Tom Hanks

    Interesting stuff there…I didn’t know about the whole prisoners suing prisons for not being protected thing.

    I have always thought that there is no just vengeance….that to want to see a perpetrator of suffering suffer themselves brings you down towards their level. Like going to watch a prisoner be put to death for a crime committed against someone you know. Probably easy for me to think…as an unpracticed theoretical ideal…but still. That doesn’t mean threats and dangers to society should not be stopped, but there is a difference between justice and revenge. When Osama Bin Laden died I was glad to hear it, but I would not have taken any pleasure in the fact had he been tortured or something before they killed him.

    Jerry Sandusky though sounds to be as despicable as a person can be.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I’ve thought that too (justice vs. revenge). I remember feeling very ooky when people were rejoicing (in nasty, horrible ways) about Osama’s death. I wanted to say, “Hey, remember when the terrorists were dragging American soldiers’ naked corpses through the streets of Mogadishu, stabbing at them with knives and laughing and celebrating? How’d that make you feel?” We’re supposed to be above that as Americans. It’s what we hate about the bad guys.

      Maybe I’m just too ooky, though. I feel all the feelings. But you’re right — we should covet justice, and leave revenge to the uncivilized.

      I sure hope Jerry didn’t do these things, but it’s not looking very good. Like I told Rae below — if he did it, he had the wherewithal to want to repeat it and hide it, over and over. That, to me, doesn’t make him a sick person — it makes him an evil person.

  2. Rae

    I think you’ve got it right, Fink. For those “lifers” who otherwise wouldn’t have internet or an education, it’s something to aspire to — being in prison. Somehow, some of them (thank you, television) may be safer in prison than living the life they were outside. I am quite the hypocrite when it comes to this subject, however. I know I am — because if someone killed the ones I love, I’d be singing a whole different tune. Some cross tune between “Miss Otis Regrets” and a horrifyingly sad/scary country song about revenge.

    I wrote a paper about this once, about the simple, well-known differences between republican and democrat views. And I think this issue was one where I fell to the republican side of things, for once, which was to imply that I believed more in victim’s rights first above the rights of those who blatantly disregard the basic human rights of others. Not that the perps don’t need protecting, but… that they’re second on my list of caring.

    But, again, I shouldn’t comment on a subject that my opinion differs based on the situation! :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Are you talking about Earl Has to Die?? LOL

      And “Miss Otis”…beautiful song. Love hearing Ella do it.

      I have even less sympathy on a basic scale for people like Jerry (if it’s all true), who would continue to plot and plan and scheme to perpetuate the crime. I’m not sure how “sick” one has to be to do what he allegedly did for 15 years, but he seems to be an otherwise sane person, which makes me think he knew what he was doing.

  3. BoomR

    HOLY CATS! You’re getting that PreSonus mixer? Which model? You are going to be able to make some KILLER multi-track recordings with your Mac & Logic with that thang! Plus, did you know there’s an iPad app that lets you control almost all the features of the mixer (**IF** you are using their bundled “Virtual Studio Live” application (think Logic but without all the virtual instruments – just multi-track audio recording). Here’s a link-ey to the app: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/presonus-sl-remote/id417052667?mt=8

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey! Yeah, I’m getting that one, but I don’t know what ya mean by “model” … it’s the 16-channel one. Does that help? LOL I’m so dumm

      Gabe did tell me I could use my iPad to run it! But I’m not sure I have, what…Firewire or something? He’s going to show me how to do some stuff after he installs it (along with two monitors on stands). My goal is to make some recordings of finished works, AND make rehearsal recordings for SATB, SAB, etc.

      1. BoomR

        It will ROCK — for ALL of that!! Just don’t forget to keep your “control room” (aka monitors) volume turned down while you’re recording…or el-feedback-o deluxe!

        And yes, there are 3 different models of that mixer:
        –StudioLive 16.0.2 (16 channels, zero busses, stereo output) – smallest physical size chassis
        –StudioLive 16.4.2 (16 channels, 4-channel bus, stereo output)
        –StudioLive 24.4.2 (24 channels, 4-channel bus, stereo output) – largest chassis.

        Enquiring minds want to know…whadjagit, sistah?

        …and yes, you connect it to your Mac laptop via Firewire. I’m not recalling which model MacBook Pro you have. I **think** your MBP has the newer FW800 connection (looks more “square”), and I believe the PreSonus has a FW400 connection (looks a little bit like USB, but a tad thicker, and rounded on one edge). It will EASILY record to the StudioLive recording software (which can be controlled via their iPad app), or just as easily record to Logic Studio.

        No fair…you’re having too much fun!! :-)

        1. Rat Fink Post author

          Ah, OK! I am getting the 16.4.2 — sounds like fun! I will just need him to really show me how to use it. I’m going to need a step-by-step primer.

          My MBP is at school, so I’ll need to check on the FW connection, but I can’t wait to start playing with this thing and discovering all it can do!

      1. Suzanne

        I like my purple-faced avatar that is sticking out it’s tongue. That was me after the marathon haaaa


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