Life lesson #851

Don’t drink two cafĂ© mochas before and during an evening rehearsal and expect to sleep through the night.

The words to “Shakin’ at the High School Hop” and “Born to Hand Jive” are permanently seared into my consciousness. I ran through both songs about 60 times each.

All. Night. Long.

Lionel Richie, signing off

5 thoughts on “Life lesson #851

  1. Mavis

    Oh dear. You’re going to have to tape your eyelids open today! I used to have a cup of Joe at night, too. I’d rather sleep, so I learned my lesson. Hope today goes quickly, Bird. You’ll be ready for bed early tonight!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well don’t you know I went to bed at 10:15 last night, and here it is 3:50 a.m. and I’m up and at ’em. You’re no stranger to that, eh?? CRIPES! My day was good yesterday, though — hope yours was, too, sis!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You have no idea……………….BLAH

      Hey, watch your mail for an update this weekend.


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