Those were my feet. All night long. I fought it from 11 until 3 a.m., when the twin blocks of glacier at the ends of my ankles started emanating pain all the way up to my knees. WHAT???
We keep our second floor pretty chilly. It contains my master bathroom and three bedrooms (which we don’t use except when grandchildren or friends/family visit — our bedroom is up another floor). When the Js come to sleep over, I always bunk in the guest room, so I can be close by in case a boy wakes up disoriented or has a nightmare, or just needs Grammie for something. They each have a small space heater in their room, but I have tripped circuit breakers with setting up a third one in the guest room in the past, so I just leave all the bedroom doors open and go without. I thought I’d be fine for the night when I put on thick socks, a t-shirt, a heavy sweatshirt and sweats and climbed into bed after the boys were asleep.
It took me forever to fall asleep for rubbing my feet together (I know they’re going to warm up soon…), then I must have awakened every 10-15 minutes, after the poor little peds had frozen solid again. Have your feet ever been so cold that it shoots pain right up your leg? Cripes. So, at 3:00, I got up and came downstairs to the parlor, took off my moccasins, and put my sockfeet directly on the space heater. And that’s where I am at this very moment, an hour and 15 minutes later.

I found some CosySoles – the perfect solution. I’d rather put a pair of slippers in the microwave than stick heat pads in my socks, anyway. I went to order them, pulled down the sizing chart, and…yeah. Heh haha hoho hahahaNEVERMIND. (They start at size 6.)
Is it time for me to stop complaining yet? I think so. Frozen feetses aside, we all had a blast last night, and the Thriller and I love having the boys over as often as we can. I’ll try and grab a catnap on the way to Detroit this morning, and I’ll be good to go.
Happy Saturnday! I hope you’re doing something fun this weekend. I’m going to stand up on my two little icebergs and hit the couch for awhile, till my two bundles of energy wake up. Grilled cheezers for breakfast today.
Sorry about your feetses.
Thanks, doll. No more worries, though. The Thriller located the electric blanket that goes on the guest room bed, so I’m all ready for next time.
OUCH! Sorry to hear about your footsies! I hope you find a solution soon! It’s only going to get colder up there!
And speaking of cold, BV & I are headed to Iowa for sure. Leaving 12/23 about 7pm. Come back the Mon after Christmas. Mom/dad were tickled pink to hear that we were coming. Now just keep your fingers crossed that my brother Tom is on his best behavior… (long story) LOL
And yeah…drop me a note when you get a sec about the potential glitch… my curiosity is getting the better of me! BTW, I’ve been test driving the latest version of ProTools today. I think I may jump ship & start working in PT from now on. Long story….
We’re off to din-din & then a concert a little later. Nice to not have to work on a Sat night for a change! Stay warm!!
Luv U!! xoxoxo
Sounds like you guys had a great time! And I’m glad you’re going to the homestead for the holiday! Are you going to make it to MI?
Nope…no trips to MI in the foreseeable future. That was just for his class reunion