Lovely visit

John, Mavis and me

Our cousin John came through Ohio yesterday and stopped in for a visit. It was grand! We talked a lot about our childhood, when we’d meet regularly at Grandma’s house.

Mavis and I shared lots of memories while waiting for John and his daughter to arrive. Most of them involved the two of us goofing off at Grandma’s with our initial brood of first cousins: Susie, Glenn, Julie, Johnny and Jerry. Combined with our uncle Dan (who was only one year older than Mavis), we made for a silly crew.

Those were the days, my friend…

So. The first of August. In a few days, it’ll be another summer in the books, and off to the races once again. It’s going to be an interesting school year. But none of that now; gotta get to today’s to-do list. Yaaay

6 thoughts on “Lovely visit

  1. Mavis

    It was such a lovely visit! I enjoyed it so much. All the memories of childhood came flooding back once I saw John. He has a beautiful daughter and cute-as-a-button grandson. We had a good time!

    Yes, your school year should definitely be interesting. :-/

  2. Rae

    Hey there! – This may be random… but, I just wanted to let you know that as I typed your website into the search bar, I accidentally hit the apostrophe… and it came up in Google as “Fink’s slaughterhouse”. Made me smile.

    If you have a chance, text me. My sweets is in town and I am stuck here another week on Master’s degree duties… :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Great to see you here! And I must admit, Fink’s Slaughterhouse does have somewhat of a devilishly appetizing appeal…haha

      I will text this week — maybe we can have a coffee before school starts!


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