Mama said…

…there’d be days like this. Or days like yesterday. I just hope history doesn’t repeat itself today, especially since the Thriller was so kind as to donate his horrible cold to me. Whatever shall I do to repay him? :-|

So yesterday I had to go to Mansfield after school. Since several main roads were closed due to flooding, I had to go the roundabout way. Took me about 50 minutes (usual drive is 35), but it didn’t bother me. I had high hopes on the way back to school; I was looking forward to my rehearsals. We’re now 23 days to opening, and I was excited to start putting things together onstage for the first time.

Well, not so fast, pard.

I thought I did a pretty good job of not launching into a tirade, so yay me. But 80% of my 19-member cast have not memorized their music. Difficult to stage a number when you don’t know what in tarnation is the next flipping line. I’m not sure how long I can hold off the tirade tide. Let’s just say the pressure on the levees is approaching critical mass. I’m sure those whose job it is to inspire teenagers can relate; or maybe it’s universal. All I know is the clouds are gathering in the distance.

I just happened to glance down at my desk, at the latest copy of Good Housekeeping that I haven’t yet had the chance to enjoy. One of the cover teasers reads, “The #1 trick to make your day go better.” Hmm. So I checked it out. Know what it is? An extra hour of sleep. Yep — that’s their #1 crankiness cure. HA – a quote:

Another study suggested that getting one extra hour of sleep each night would do more for your daily happiness than getting a $60,000 raise.

Well now. I say we try it first so I can do some independent research. I’ll provide the live body if someone else can furnish the sixty grand.

I’ll wait here for volunteers. *whistling, whistling, whistling* Meantime, please say a prayer for my cast tonight between 5:30 and 6:30 EST.

4 thoughts on “Mama said…

  1. Suzanne

    HAAAAA good luck wid dat sweets! With the 60 grand I mean.

    As for the kids, well….you are on your own but I will say a few somewhat meaningful words for you as I head to bed…:)

  2. PKPudlin

    Heck no I’m not prayin’ for those kids. Let them pay their money and take their chances just like everyone else. I don’t have no tolerance for that kinda stuff, and my students all know it.

    Doncha love mags like GH? They’ve got an easy solution for *every*thing.


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances…well, it worked because tonight’s rehearsal was decidedly not painful. It wasn’t fantastic, but it wasn’t bad. There is hope. :-)


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