My wish

What do you wish today? If I could, I’d wave my magic wand and grant it.

Here’s a partial list of mine. Not complaining, mind — just, you know…if wishes were fishes and all.

I wish:

  1. we could time it so our pets would leave this world with us instead of before us. (Seamus and Hannah have to say goodbye to their sweet dog, Willow, this Friday. We’re all heartbroken.)
  2. we could all be forced to walk in the shoes of those less fortunate once in a while.
  3. I could spend more time with my three grandsons.
  4. Milky Way bars had like 15 calories.
  5. I had running water in my building at school.
  6. I didn’t have to get on a plane in order to visit Slovenia and the Netherlands. :-D
  7. there was more time to rehearse for this show (even though it seems like I’m at school every waking moment as it is).
  8. I knew why professed Christians say, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget,” when Jesus forgave and forgot. It was good enough for the son of God, but…?
  9. we could do that beaming-up thing from Star Trek.
  10. there was more time in the mornings to write to you. I could get up at 4…

Nah, maybe not. :P

Hey, it’s Tunesday, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. As David Hartman used to say, (can anyone remember?)…


9 thoughts on “My wish

  1. Stoney

    I wish I could retire. I adore my students, but I don’t like politicians who have never stepped foot in a classroom dictating educational reform.
    I wish I had some sort of musical ability to help you with the music rehearsals:(
    I wish I could stick to a diet.
    I wish big brother would stop micromanaging.
    There are my very negative wishes for the day!!!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      And sometimes, we need to voice those negative wishes. It clears the slate! And you…you I’ll see very, very soon.


  2. Mavis

    You know how/what I believe. Friday, Mom will be waiting for Willow and will take good care of her. God loves animals – that’s why He created them. So, I know that all pets go to Heaven. Willow will be in good hands!

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        MAKE IT A GOOD DAY! You win!!!

        And I was just thinking about the “all dogs go to heaven” thing. You know, I believe that, too. We are sustained and comforted by that hope, so I am going to cling to it. I choose the Rainbow Bridge for Willow and all animals.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I see my mom’s face when I look in the mirror! That doesn’t make me type a sad face, but I know what you mean. The signs of aging…I am still determined to fight them every step of the way! *HUGZ*


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